Food And Health Awareness | Why is garlic in the Empty stomach is So beneficial? Episode 23

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Garlic is beneficial for human health, it has long been prevalent. But many people do not eat it or feel uncomfortable eating. It is quite useful to take garlic purely in raw stomach after getting up in the morning.
How to eat:
You should eat garlic in empty stomach before breakfast. Many can not chew, because garlic has a kind of cold grinding. Then you can swallow with water. In this case, please take a break. But eating garlic chewatai is good.
Benefits of garlic:
Increases sexual energy

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Garlic works during a sturdy antibiotic. Like researchers, taking garlic on empty abdomen helps scale back cardiovascular disease and stress. If you have got issues with digestion, remove it. It conjointly plays a crucial role in reducing abnormal issues within the abdomen, abdomen disorders like diarrhoea, purifying of body blood, and liver functioning.
Helps to increase digestion and hunger

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The liver and bladder function properly due to eating garlic in an empty stomach. Also, it eliminates abdominal problems. It helps to increase digestion and hunger.
Prevention of disease

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Garlic plays an effective role to de-toxifiate the body compared to other medicines. Garlic resistant to major diseases like garlic parasite, worms retention, persistence, fever, diabetes, depression and cancer.
Works like antibiotics

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Studies have shown that when eating lemon juice in an empty stomach, it works like a strong antibiotic. It works more efficiently after eating garlic before dinner.
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