My Secret New York: A Yummy Vegan Sushi place! - Мои Секретные Места в Нью-Йорке: Вкуснейшие Веганские Суши!

in #food8 years ago (edited)

Don't be confused with the word vegan in a headline - It's not a place where you gonna be offered a bowl of greens with a drop of olive oil and have a lecture from the waiter on how good it's for you and how light you will be feeling after dinner.

I'm not a vegan, but I can tell you that one of the BEST sushi places I've been to... serves no fish! 🍣

Не пугайтесь слова "веганские" в заголовке - это не про кафе здорового питания, где вам предложат миску зеленого салата с каплей оливкового масла, и будут вам рассказывать, как это полезно для здоровья и какую необычайную легкость вам принесет этот ужин!

Я не веган, но честно признаюсь, одни из самые лучших суши, которые я пробовала... Были без рыбы!

Today I want to share with you this tiny little sushi and noodle bar in Manhattan called Beyond Sushi, that serves delicious vegan alternatives to traditional Japanese dishes.

This is a rare chance here to have a healthy, tasty and satisfying meal without spending a fortune!

Сегодня я хочу поделиться с вами этим маленьким суши-баром на Манхеттене Beyond Sushi, который создает веганские варианты традиционных японских блюд.

И это большая редкость тут, чтобы получить вкусный, полезный и сытный обед, и при этом не упасть в обморок от счета!

And it's totally addictive:)

Every time I go to the MoMA museum to see a new exhibition, I always go couple of blocks up the 6th av. to treat myself with their coconut curry soup and some avocado and hummus rolls...🍜

Остановиться невозможно:)

Каждый раз, когда я хожу на выставку в музей МоМА, я обязательно потом прохожу пару блоков наверх, чтобы зайти туда и побаловать себя супом из кокоса с карри или роллами из хумуса с авокадо...

I guess their secret is in sauces - they do some magic with seeds, beans, spices and herbs...

As a result you get very unusual combinations of veggies, legumes, fruits, that tastes just like the sushi you are used to... but better!

Мне кажется, их секрет в соусах - они как-то волшебно смешивают разные семена, травы, специи...

В итоге получается интересная комбинация из овощей, бобов, фруктов, которые по вкусу очень напоминают традиционные суши... Только лучше!

The interior is cozy, but rather basic, and the cafe is actually very small.

So I wouldn't plan a fancy dinner there, but rather a lunch, when you really want to enjoy the food rather then the venue.

And don't focus just on sushi! Their green tea noodles are a must! 🍜

Внутри этого ресторана уютно, но достаточно просто, поэтому я советую туда заходить скорее на ланч, чем на ужин, когда вы больше настроены вкусно поесть, нежели долго наслаждаться интерьером.

И закажите что-то, кроме суши! Лапша из зеленого чая у них просто отличная!

Bon appetit! 🌶

Beyond Sushi addresses in NYC:
229 E 14th st
Chelsea market, 75 9th av
62 W 56th st
and they deliver too


I appreciate the English - Russian format. It helps me to see the sentence structure, does not really differ in the languages.

I love sushi, been way too long since I had that, and thanks to you I'm having the craving badly right now! It is the best way to have a vegetarian meal, and less expensive than fish with the same great flavour combinations

Thank you for your comment!

I started doing these En-Ru posts recently, partly as a way to support the community and also inspired by the writing style of @borishaifa, when he includes Russian translation as a quote.

You are totally right about the pricing factor, but it's also about food safety for me - I prefer not to eat raw fish in big cities, where it has to go a long road before ending in my plate...

Boris is a good influence, I very much enjoy his posts!

Ive never had a problem with fish quality, sometimes just the price is too high. And factory fish can be really fatty and sinuous, chewy. Factory farmed fish usually catch many parasites it's scary. Wild costs $$$ and is over-fished. but its so tastey! At the end of the day, at least there is creative veggie options

sounds really good

It is! Thanks)

I see... You are - Electric Car)) Now I know where do you get your POWER!)))

Yep.... managed Japanese restaurants for a few years too =)

I worked in one for a few years waitressing. heaven!

Best job in the world, working in a restaurant if you like hospitality!

That's interesting, you should post more about it!

Those days are over now, but im writing a book about hospitality, which i post on here.... but you alreeady know that =)

Do you like Japanesse kitchen (non sushi related)?

Yeah, I've seen your hospitality notes, interesting!

Hm.. I am not sure I know any Japanese dishes except for sushi:)

What?! Are you for real ? )))

Try the salads! Im not sure if you will be able to eat the soups as they are mostly with fish or meat

Try the second dishes and also the starters... the desrts are not too good though

Now I'm hungry!:)) thanks for the advice!

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