" Matam-is nga ilim-non " The Cane juice from Sugar Bowl Capital of the Philippines the Negros Island!
Negros Island is the major producer of sugar, where vast field of sugarcane occupied the land areas in the said province. Also known as the Sugar Bowl Capital of the Philippines. Sugar is one of our basic needs in daily living as we used it for cooking, adding sweets to our favorite hot and cold beverages, making candies for big factories and many more.
Sugar is beneficial to human that helps to boost our body system and also source of our energy converted from those food that contained sweets.
But,there some factors that consuming high glucose will lead to serious complications to our health as manifestation of Diabetes.
To address some concerns regarding with the escalating issues related with Diabetes. Food scientist work hand in hand together with the food nutrition experts. Then cane juices in many variants was born here in Negros that really satisfy consumers with positive feedback from different consumers including me.
Did you know there are extensive health benefits from sugarcane juice?
Sugarcane juice is a good source of glucose which is excellent in re-hydrating the human body + it provides a great boost of energy!
So instead of your artificial energy drink, the next time you feel fatigued or dehydrated, consider drinking a glass of cane juice!
Plus, sugarcane juice contains natural sugar which has a low glycemic index preventing a steep rise in blood glucose!
disclaimer source : https://web.facebook.com/rchattonfarms/photos/p.10155753531141497
image source : https://web.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1299608120056679
Based on my own opinion, this innovation of extracting juices manually from sugarcane is one of the best creation that will help every Filipino's that are suffering from diabetes.
Before I love to drink milk tee's, lemon juice, fruit shakes, and flavored quenchers every time I go to the mall. Where you can buy these beverages to quench your thirst to those kiosk. Until cane juice retailers starts selling in different malls in Negros specifically in Bacolod City.
You can choose from these prices vary from different available sizes that ranges from 45 pesos ( small ), 55 pesos ( medium ) and 65 pesos for ( grande /large ).
image source : https://web.facebook.com/ervscanejuice/?tn-str=k*F
Are you a Diabetic?
Nothing to worry about that! Here are the differences that differentiate simple sugar ( The processed ) and the complex sugar extracted directly from sugarcanes ( The unprocessed ).
image source : https://web.facebook.com/195826324417577/photos/p.202729247060618
If you get the chance to visit Negros, you must try our Cane Juice originally produce from our land and this might be your next favorite beverage from tons of choices.