Creamy Chicken, Bacon, Basil and Sweet Pepper - CARB FREE HEAVEN (well almost lol)
Whilst I generally do my absolute best to limit my carb intake,
there are days that I simply don't win that battle lol!
You can keep sweets and chocolates and give me carbs ANY DAY!
Mashed potato and spaghetti being my ultimate weaknesses,
but really speaking - ANY carb will do! lol...
Oh wait - this is a CARB FREE post.... woops! lol
Creamy Chicken, Bacon, Basil and Sweet Pepper
with zucchini spaghetti
(I am going to cry... just kidding, I actually quite enjoy the zucchini spaghetti lol)
Ok - derailing here....
So first you will need to slice up some
filleted chicken breasts
(ok - I did chop up more than that but didn't want everyone
to see how greedy I actually am... lol)
and then some sliced bacon rashers...
or if you are lazy -
then just buy the ready cut bacon bits
(as you can see... I am not lazy lol)
Oh CRAP - you can see the full quota of chicken in the background!!!
Heat up a pan
and coat with a little olive oil...
add your sliced chicken breast
and season lightly
with a chicken spice of your preference...
I seasoned mine with Ina Paarmans Chicken Spice
salt, pepper, and some fresh (cough, pre-chopped container) garlic
Cook on medium heat for approx. 10 minutes
While you are busy with that,
chop up some fresh basil leaves
and your sweet bell peppers...
Oh yes, you need sweet bell peppers and fresh basil...
Now you can add your sliced bell peppers
and chopped basil -
and then give it a good stir!
Then you can add the sliced bacon...
Most people raise their eyebrows at me at this point,
because in this particular dish,
I NEVER fry the bacon first...
I am one of those horrible people
that loves soggy bacon fat
(grins again)
and the way I defend my rights to doing it this way
is that its going to get soggy in the sauce later anyway...
so whatevaaar!!! lol
Continue to cook for approx. another 5 - 7 minutes..
just enough time to allow the peppers
to cook to a tender but firm state...
or as all the fancy pants peeps would say...
"Al Dente"
Once the bacon is added,
I pour in the sauce/thickener...
which in this case was a 250ml tub of fresh cream,
a little milk to thin it for shaking,
some dry powder chicken stock
and about a tablespoon of all purpose flour.
once it starts to bubble gently it will begin to thicken.
Pop the lid on,
Turn the heat down to very low and let it simmer
for as long as needs be.
When you are almost ready to serve,
then you can do the zucchini spaghetti...
as this mostly comes in a bag
and takes about 3 min in the microwave
(oh the horror, I know!!!)
and that's a wrap!!
Completely guilt free, low carb deliciousness!
I served it with a little swipe of hot chilli sauce on the side,
a sprinkling of feta cheese over the chicken -
and some sliced avo.
Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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You always make me hungry with your mouthwatering cooking!!! Hehe I will definitely try out this recepie!!
Why don't you post anymore, you had great articles :)
I had a 3 week absence because I go all caught up with work.. my excuse blog is out and there is more to come!!
lol @ excuse blog ;) Nice to have you back in action... but I suppose we all get a little sidetracked now and then hey @mejustandrew @lidac :)
Yes @jaynie I did get sidetracked but only because I had to much on my plate at work..good to be back though!
hehehe thanks for the compliment @lidac :)
That looks so nice! seriously making me hungry...looks delicious!
hehehe thanks @melissakellie :)
What's not to like about this recipe! I may have to get out my spiralizer and give it a try. Bacon makes everything taste better! Your recipes rock!
hahaha thanks @rwedegis and yes you should get it out and give it a go :) As for bacon... well yes - its like wine... it makes everything better hahaha!!! Thanks for the compliment - but I would have to say the same in return to you and your recipes :)
Thanks @jaynie for keeping me inspired!
Cool beans - and backatya xxx
Yommy yummy food
@jaynie you seem to be good at preparing food
Thank you @princeso and yes... I do indeed love to cook :)
Thank you for this ms. @jaynie I'll try to cook this for my family 😊😊😊😘
Wonderful! Would love to know how it turns out for you :)
Mmm...zucchini spagetti! Never tried them, but your “pasta” looks really yummi! I would definitely give it try :)
Thanks @matejka13 :)
aw this is really awesome, this must be really tasty.
It was great indeed. Thank you :)
mouth watering!
Thank you
Ohh this is the first time I saw zucchini spaghetti. Looks delicious!
It really is quite tasty @michelleloh168 and a lot "lighter" than traditional spaghetti.
Mmmmmm jaynie another yummy dish.I love soggy bacon i am glad i am not the only one.My dad thought there was something wrong with me not liking crispy bacon.I just dont get it the chewier the better.I love the spaghetti zuchini. I know it is a non carb dish but i am just a big sucker for some pasta or potatoe.I will have to add some when i make this.Thanks for sharing👍🏼
hahaha we can be soggy bacon fans together lol :)