RE: Recipe - Sweet potato spinach quiche
I will try this out, I haven't cooked anything like it, but it's sounding simple enough, should take half an hour to prepare and then that much again to cook aaand some time to let it steam off :D
On another note I've been battling you in the SteemPunk arena :) so if you have interest to play that while you blog and curate on steemit I would love to have more active combatants :D Personally I just leave the steemit window open just for that since I prefer busy over it.
Also I'd like to resume my cooking since that did me huge favors in the past and saved me lots of money as well as provided numerous benefits, so please help me build the habit back up :D mention it once in a while, I've almost dropped all of my activity on steem because people here are all focused on their blogs and rarely go out of their way, maybe that's how it's been for me, don't know.
Anyways thanks for the idea and good luck to you, I'm glad to have people that I've shared the steem experience stay and continue sharing their interests.
SteemPunk! To be honest, I checked it out, didn't understand what the heck was going on, and then never checked the plugin again... I really liked the idea though, so maybe I should try checking it out again... after my weekend trip.
Ooh picking cooking back up sounds like a great idea! I'll try to remind you once in a while :D
You're right, plenty of people don't do much else besides focus on their blogs. I gotta say, I have those periods aswell, though I'm lucky to have some engaging readers so I don't have to go far for some nice interactions with friends here.
Anyway, hope to talk to you again soon. Off for my trip first though :D
Best of luck and safe travels :D I'm wishing to go trip as well, but if it happens it's gonna be a short one, ride the bus around town :D Anyways Have a great time and we can always talk hahah :) If I get more active I probably would drop by more often, if I get cooking I might be stealing recipes :P
Thanks @j3dy! We had a great time this weekend. Even though it was a short trip, my boyfriend told me "It feels like we've been away for an entire week!", so hey, short trips are good too :D
anything exciting is good, dopamine rushes are amazing :D
I've been playing steem games here reminding myself of the old school text based web games :D I suppose I better write some posts rather than streaming for the silence :D I do wish somebody would watch me but I suppose I've given up on being a host :D that or nobody's watching and I have no schedule :D
Well, I know there are plenty of people who enjoy watching videos, so maybe you should just try to keep at it, or chat more with the gaming community to see if you can lure them over to your page :D
Myself, I hardly ever watch videos. I just don't enjoy it, so I basically skip on all of the video posts on Steemit.
the gamers are busy streaming for endless time ... I like talking with people, my stream is strange and I've been thinking of streaming steeming :D
hahah btw I'm about to get lvl5 on @steempunknet and you're my lucky victim :D I've been leveling you as well :D now I just have to learn how to make myself some weapons :D
Aw man, I have to give it another try! Thing is, I'm not even sure how to open the extension now... It doesn't do anything when I left-click it and when I right-click it, there is no useful menu option that actually loads anything except for the extension info on another tab. I just never learned how to even get started in the game!
well give me a day or two and I will post
SteemPunksNet how to get started, maybe without the how :D
I just gotta find myself a place to try setting it up ... I'm already mid way through the game, well 1/3 probably
Ooh I just managed to load the extension. Then it was blank for quite a while but now, I have stuff on my screen! Apparently I'm level 2... Oh, and I just found wood! How interesting... and confusing! Gotta learn more :D
hahah I was gonna make a post, but that will take a while to figure out :) well a few hours I would not be spending any time soon... so yeah you got it, I could give you some hints for now.
I can only say everything you can read is mostly on their page :)
as with anything busy is great, notifications rule ... yeah here is the sneak peak

also the grammar police called me :D
aswell is as well
occasionally has no double ss
separate not seperate
and you missed one s in the spinach in the introduction :D
Now I'm gonna try not burning the kitchen and make something edible, I haven't cooked in a while but the sewage food I used to make was pretty good :D spam for all :D well it was just me eating it, everyone prefers processed whitewashed stuff ...
And another sidetrack, if you watch anime, Boku no Hero is ok, nothing amazing, but pretty ok, which makes it pretty good because I have strange standards and something has to be amazing to be great :D so yeah, makes the "spam for all" sound amusing when I think about the "hero" voice saying it :D