Bahtera Egg Coffee
If you travel to Aceh, especially to Pidie Jaya, do not miss this one drink. Yes coffee eggs. Or in aceh "kupi boh manok weng". If you are in Pidie Jaya especially in Meureudu city, the most delicious Egg Coffee is available at Bahtera Coffee Shop. This coffee shop is located on Jalan Iskandar Muda precisely in front of Koramil Meureudu Pidie Jaya. You just spend Rp.7.000, - have been able to enjoy this delicious coffee and is believed to increase stamina and vitality. Dare to try ... Come to Pidie Jaya.
Looks very delicious and it seems like I want to try it, when can you invite me to taste it @hendrasyukri
With my pleasure bro @trizwansyah