Fast food is a major cause of obesity, heart disease and ulcers !

in #food7 years ago (edited)

Fast food has become one of the most frequently used terms among people, especially young people and adolescents, a recipe for food, which is usually prepared in a short time without much effort; this type of meals became a profitable business for many food companies and fast food restaurants, Markets, roads and commercial markets such as horseshoes, burgers, sausages and frozen potatoes, which are characterized by having been subjected to half the cooking process at manufacturing; easy to complete the cooking process, whether in restaurants or homes. Fast Food Ingredients

  • Smoked meat: Meat processed in a process that is subject to successive processes of treatment with the addition of sodium element Kalmrtdlha and sausages, and these meat increases the chance of heart disease and cancer.

  • Fried white meat: the process of frying fish and chicken wings and pieces of chicken in various forms after being immersed with a layer of oatmeal or flour or bread with spices and spices, which increases the attractiveness of its taste, which damages the heart and arteries because of the high proportion of fats and oils from the process of frying.

  • Fried potatoes: which are usually sold in frozen bags coated with a large amount of sodium; to preserve or fry fresh potatoes; too much of the intake to increase blood pressure because of the presence of sodium and to increase cholesterol in the blood, and obesity resulting from the use of oils in the process of frying.

  • Grilled meat: the meat that is brought by mixing with large amounts of fat to give it flexibility and speed of the individual, as well as contain food coloring, which raises the risk of cholesterol and heart disease.

  • Appetizers: which are usually added to sandwiches and meals or placed beside them to drown and consist of mayonnaise, which is composed of oils by a large proportion, and sauces containing sodium, spices and spices, which harm the health of the heart, and mayonnaise and other spices and the authorities prepared by adding mayonnaise and sugar have increased the risk of infection Diabetes, cholesterol and blockage of the arteries.

  • Soft drinks: which are usually offered as a drink added to the meal consisting mainly of carbon dioxide, sugars and colored substances; damage the heart muscle and affect the bones and joints. Fast food damage

  1. Obesity:

Obesity means having too much body fat. Fast food contains a high calorie content that contributes to weight gain. Even a small amount of junk food can increase calories significantly. Over time, junk food has replaced healthy eating habits, and people who eat junk food are less likely to eat fruits, vegetables, milk, etc. than healthy meals. This change in eating habits can easily lead to obesity.

  1. Heart disease:

People who eat four or more junk foods per week put them at 80% risk of dying from heart disease. Fast food creates a much higher risk of heart disease because of high levels of saturated and unsaturated fat in many foods. These fats can block the arteries and over time contribute to a high level of cholesterol.

  1. Diabetes 2:

Fast food has become an easy way for people who have a busy lifestyle and seek a quick and inexpensive alternative to cooking at home. Although it leads to the development of diabetes, 2 it causes other life risks such as weight gain and inability to exercise. Diabetes is one of the developments that result from eating frequent amounts of junk food.

  1. The digestive ulcer:

Ulcerative ulcer is one of the most common gastrointestinal problems because it is usually acidic and therefore extremely painful. Doctors believe eating spicy foods is one of the reasons for peptic ulcers. It is a fast food that causes peptic ulcer pizza.

  1. Lack of family gathering:

Fast food is not offered to all members of the family because it specifies a meal for everyone and does not require that the meal together in one place. You can buy fast food while you're walking, driving, or in the workplace. Thus, the meal does not allow you to feel comfortable taking it.

  1. Irregularity of eating:

Fast food does not help you eat healthy meals, but you pay for them at any time or three times a day. While cooked food is served in a timely manner that offers the opportunity to rest after food.

  1. Waste money:

Fast food is consumed in large quantities and therefore more money is paid compared to the homemade foods that you cook yourself. Low-income people can barely afford the continuous use of fast food because they spend a lot of their budget

  1. Loss of appetite:

Regular food contains an aperitif, an ingredient not found in fast food. Communicating with the use of junk food may cause loss of appetite, abnormal digestion, and sometimes high-speed food poisoning. Meals do not meet all food needs.

Lack of essential nutrients:

Balanced food contains all the essential nutrients that are essential to body building. While fast food does not contain these ingredients. This type of food contains high amounts of non-essential elements and therefore fast food does not meet the needs of the body and sometimes cause disorder. 10. Stress:

Fast food is high in fat, which causes many diseases associated with cardiovascular problems, liver and many more. It also increases the level of tension. Scientists have noticed that eating spicy foods increases stress and makes you more nervous. Some foods act as a strong tonic for the body and are therefore a direct cause of stress, such as caffeine in soft drinks, tea, coffee and saturated fats. In addition, some fast food contains additives, artificial preservatives, emulsifiers, condensers, stabilizers and taste flavors.

  1. Effect on skin and bones:

We often blame chocolate and fatty foods that cause acne but it is not the real cause. Carbohydrates are responsible for this. According to the Mayo Clinic clinic, high-carbohydrate foods increase blood sugar levels and cause acne.

A study found that fast food makes you more susceptible to eczema and skin irritation spots especially in children who follow a high-speed diet when consuming fast food containing carbohydrates, sugar and bacteria in the mouth produces acids and thus destroys enamel, a contributing factor in tooth decay. Losing the tooth port results in other health problems in the mouth. Excess sodium in fast food leads to the risk of osteoporosis.

  1. Feeling bloated:

Fast food contains high sodium content, which causes the body to retain water. Which makes you feel bloated. To reduce the damage you should reduce the amount of junk food. Excessive intake of salted foods contributes to elevated blood pressure or enlarged heart muscle. Increased sodium increases the risk of kidney stones, kidney disease and stomach cancer.

  1. Respiratory problems:

Obesity is associated with increased respiratory problems without obvious medical problems.
Obesity may cause tight breathing or breathing stress. Obesity plays a role in the development of respiratory problems and is one of the problems that results in constant sleep disorders.

  1. Central nervous system problems:

A recent study in the Journal of Public Health and Nutrition suggests that eating commercial baked goods such as cakes, croissants, cakes and fast food such as pizza, burgers, hot dogs is associated with depression. The consumption of junk food is probably associated with the development of depression.

A diet based on junk food may affect nerve-clogging points in the brain and memory and learning molecules. According to a study published in the journal Nature that the consumption of high calories and fat affects the work of memory.

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