review of Pad thai: the delicious Thai food

in #food7 years ago (edited)

Pad thai is Thailand's fried rice noodles that tastes salty taste and sour taste and sweet taste. the Pad Thai is known as the Thai's favorite food. Pad Thai is also known that you can buy in local market at cheaper price!

In thailand, Pad means "fried" and thai means "thailand" so this means "fried food of thailand"

and also Pad thai came with fifth at CNN's world's 50 favorite food!
Pad thai is more delicious eat in local market than a restaurant!

when i was in thailand, my mother and sister couldn't eat the thai food but they got hearty appetite with pad thai!
If you go to Thailand, how about eat pad thai at local market?

팟타이는 짠맛과 신맛 단맛이 나는 볶음 쌀국수입니다. 태국에서 제일 유명한 음식으로도 알려져있죠. 전통시장에서 더싸게 먹을수 있습니다!

태국어로 팟은 볶음을 의미하고 타이는 태국을 의미합니다.

그리고CNN이 선정한 세계50대 음식에 들어가며, 지역시장에서 먹는게 식당에서 먹는거 보다 쌉니다!

제가 태국에 갔을때 제 엄마랑 누나는 태국음식을 못먹었는데 팟타이는 잘 먹더라고요!
태국에가시면 팟타이 한그릇 어떠세요??

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