How to cook a delicious reptile(garrobo)

in #food8 years ago

Today i share with you an easy recype.
I love to help my mom in the kitchen.

1 kg of reptile meat.(if you catched it will be better)
6 tomatoes
1/2 onions
1/2 green pepper
3 spoon of powder of pumpkin seed.(alguashte)

First clean and cut the piece of reptile, the skin is good, if you like do not use it.



Prepare a sausage with pumpkin seeds Crushed (alguashte) mix it with 1/2 cup of water


Liquefied tomatoes, onion, green peper and salt. With 1 cup of water.

Boiled a sausage of tomatoes, onion and green pepper and put the reptile cut inside and cooked for around 25 minutes.


After that agree the sausage of pumkin seed.(mix in 1/2 cup of water).
Continue cooked for other 10 minutes and review the meat of reptile, it will be good when the meat is softly


Finally server and enjoy it with hot tortillas and child pepper.



mmmmmmm it is very delicious.

Good taste.

And remember every people should catch their foods.

Thank you for reading.


If the reptile meat is so good, why do you need the tomatoes, onion, green pepper, pumpkin seeds, salt, and bread? Eat all of those things without the reptile flesh, and I bet it tastes equally as awesome...! Let's be merciful to our creature friend's life :)

Thanks for your post, but remenber in the country life sometimes we catch for eat and in this case we eat a lot is not only for the sport and you have reason but my parents and i only eat rarely times this kind of meat. Thsnks for your post i consider your comment thanks a lot. :(

wow, if i may ask, does it taste similar to any mainstream meat like chicken or lamb?

How i tell you the meat is very strong the structure is very similar to shrimp meat but the color is white and the taste is more near to a fish, the diference is it smell less than a fish, do not forget the reptiles are more acuatic animal than the others.
Thanks for your questions i hope answered you

Depends on the reptile. I think American Alligator tastes a lot like chicken.

Less aquatic species are more tough.

My suggestion is to skip reptile and go for frog. Frog legs are great if cooked right.

I was about to ask the same question.

Ummm. No.

Why not it was very like specially enjoy with my mom in the kitchen and next in the lunch today with dad, he loved this food at his 82 year old. Thanks i apreciate your post.

Your parents are amazing to love you that much! You are a good son.

I try, but remenber, our countries have a lot of old people who lived alone because we are living and work in the city and only on weekend or vacation we visited and share with they. Thank for your post it is really beautiful to share every space of time with our family.

Wow you cut my appetite 😷

Hey i am sorry my intention is not that.

Lol dont worry I upvoted

How difficult is it for you to find and catch these in your area? I don't have any of these in my area in the US Pacific Northwest, but I do catch some of my own food, too. Are you putting the head in the soup, too? I will have to try some pumpkin seed powder in a soup. It sounds good!

Thank you for your asking. Ok this animal was catches in company with my father and niece, really it is not difficult because we have dogs and you only indicated to dog where it is, and they make the work for you.
We lived in El Salvador and in the suburbs and are normal to find some animal like this, because in the mountain are a lot of reptile, you only need some time to find with the dog and help for example sometimes the reptiles are under soil and you only retire the soil and the dog enter under soil and catch it for you. When a reptile is climb the tree you need to climb a tree to get the animal. And the dog capture for you, because you only obligated the animal to down a tree.
Ok yes you put the head in the soup if you like, but it has not a lot of meat is only a meat but the flavor is much tasted.
Yea men the pumpkin seed powder is very delicious, certainly it is not a soup it is more like a cream. Mmmmmm very very liked.
I work in the city during week but on weekend I share time with my parents and enjoy time with my fathers in the mountain and in the kitchen help my mom to prepare this delicious recipe.
Remember it is not the same if you catch or grew up your food that if you only go to the supermarket and buy some meat it is good but is better catch and enjoy with family.
Thanks for your comment and excuse me for my late answer.
Best regard.

Thank you for such a nice reply. I can see that a dog would make it much easier to catch the reptiles! I harvest squirrels and nutria from my own yard, when they are bothering my garden. I cook them and they are delicious, too. But many people would not eat them because they never see them in a supermarket. Enjoy your time with your family!

What a traditional dish! Thanks for sharing it. Thanks for the extra information in all the comments, too!

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Thanks you so much i apreciate your coments i review your very interesting recipes.

You're welcome. There are a lot of people on Steemit interested in foraging. They value the bounty of nature like you and your parents! This trail is one easy way to see what other foraging that people are doing.

I am very happy for know about that, thank you so much
I really really feel good eared it.
And please i beg you excuseme for my bad english
I am trying to comunicate good ideas.

You communicate very well. People reacted well to your post! You do much better with English than I would do with Spanish!

I appreciate it thanks.

Sorry mr. I want to be part of foragin trail because it is an honor
For me, but i need your help what i need to do for help you in the
I read a little about that i need find interesting post and reestim?
Or only comment in interesting post acording to the group.
Could you help me how i be part of you
Thanks a lot.
I hope your instructions.

Did you leave the skin on? Is that right?

No the skin is part of the process ok I forgive explain it, you catch the animal and them you clean it and retired their internal parts ok, then you put the animal in a fire like roast beef, but it is only for the skin and you before about 3 minutes you leave it of fire and make a process similar to Fish Scaler, the skin has a little skin that you need to retired. And then you could proceed to cook the reptile.
Thanks for your comment

That makes sense. Thanks,

My only comment: The word in this context is "remove" not "retire". You "remove" their internal parts and "remove" the little skin.

Thank for the correction i appreciate it


I am trying to learn spanish myself, and my spanish is not very good. So I know the bilingual struggle!

Thank you for your recipe! When we were kids we hunted rabbit and pheasant mostly, but also bullfrogs in the summer. I imagine the meat is very similar. I think your title is fantastic, "How to Cook a Delicious Reptile" is a keeper!

Thanks for reading and your post, the rabbit meat is more near to chicken and cow meat and this garrobo is more near to a fish.

Thanks For Sharing Plz Don`t Forget To Check My Blog! Follow And Upvoted.

I review thanks for it

Looks really tasty. Is it a small crocodile or am I totally mistaken? Unfortunately there are no reptiles where I live. To cold.

Yes it is but the diference is the garrobo is the male gender and the female gender is iguana.
And the iguana is less big than garrobo. But could be iguana.

Yes is very taste, and it looks like similar to a crocodrile but his skin is more soft than this.
Sorry but do not worry we export some can with consome de garrobo, i share with you the information when i find this ok. Thanks.

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