Food and Healthy Lifestyle| Jujube: The Super Fruit!!!

in #food6 years ago

  Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba) belongs to the buckthorn family (Rhamnaceae) of plants. It is a small deciduous shrub with shiny green leaves and yellowish-green flower. The fruit itself is oval and green when unripe and purplish-brown and wrinkled (like a date) when mature. It tastes like an apple when ripe and like a date when matured. Jujube stands out of the rest of the fruit because it is a hoarder of nutrients and very healthy fruit, it is commonly known as red date or Korean date

***Health Benefits***

***Treats Insomnia***

 Jujube and its seed contain flavonoids, saponins and polysaccharide. High saponin content serves a natural sedative and has a soothing effect on the entire nervous system. People suffering from Insomnia and restlessness should eat jujube and its seed. 

*** Regulates Blood Circulation***

 Jujube fruit is rich source of Iron and phosphorus which are important for the formation of red blood cells. A low Iron content of the blood can result to Anemia, consuming Jujube will increase the Iron and phosphorus content of the body thereby increasing the blood flow which thus oxygenates organ system more.

***Prevent Osteoporosis***

It is also a good source of minerals like calcium, phosphorus and Iron, these are mineral that boost the mineral deposit in the body thereby reducing the risk of osteoporosis

***Boosts Immunity***

Jujube contains several antioxidants which are extremely helpful in scavenging free radicals that may cause chronic diseases and illnesses within the body. Vitamin C stimulates the production of white blood cells.

***Reduces Anxiety and Stress***

Jujube contains potassium in huge amount which is very helpful in keeping the blood vessel relaxed, thereby helping the blood flow. Potassium is validator which helps getting rid of pressure on the blood vessels.

***Improves Digestion***

Jujube fruits aid digestion due to its fiber content, saponin and triterpenoid. These compounds help in preventing constipation, cramping, bloating, excess flatulence as well as gastrointestinal conditions like colorectal cancer 

*** Maintains Skin Health***

Jujube skin extract is also rich in antioxidants which help in combating various kinds of irritation and inflammation of the skin. Irritation and inflammation of the skin can cause psoriasis, eczema and acne. It also helps to prevent the onset of wrinkles and black dots on the skin. 

***Nutritional Benefits***

 Jujube fruit has impressive nutritional profile with lots of vitamins and minerals especially vitamin D, vitamin C and potassium and is low in sodium. It is very low in calories and has so many wonderful nutrients which make to be of great health benefits. 

***Side Effects***

  • Jujube can be very dangerous tor people who have diabetes because the carbohydrate content can affect the sugar level significantly.
  •  Jujube fruit can cause side effects such as Diarrhea and flatulence if consumed in excess 

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