
The cholesterols that stick to the sides of blood vessels are manufactured by the body in response to high blood sugar from high starch and sugar diets. The cholesterols in eggs are not, and not only this, the more delicate heat sensitive cholesterols in the yolk are in fact precursors for sex hormones. The only problem with eggs as I see it is the white is a 'hard protein' which is slow to break down in bile. In some animals, it even causes anemia by binding up critical proteins in blood. The white must be cooked completely. The yolk you should try to leave it runny and not make it go completely hard. Frying eggs is a good way to make this happen, but you should use high omega fatty acid oils to cook them in because this defends against the oxidative damage that can make the oils somewhat toxic.

Also, I don't watch videos with so-called 'information' that the poster cannot be bothered to give a brief summary that shows they even understand the information contained therein. I don't have a fat pipe to my house for wasting on videos the poster can't even be bothered to explain why I should waste my time watching.

And explain to me what is so ethical about mechanised farming of highly bred varieties of plants that requires the eradication of hundreds of animal species in order to do. I guess you must be one of these vegans who buys the snake oil that somehow you are immune to the necessity that almost all living things depend on the death of other living things. Not even considering the fact that some living things profit at the expense of others anyway.

Morality in food production is not as simple as don't eat something from animals. Animals die no matter whether you eat only vegetables or not, and at least the critters go to a useful purpose. Animals killed to protect plant crop production just rot on the ground.

The cholesterol in eggs does contribute to the progression of atherosclerosis. This build up in the arteries.

The cholesterols the body manufactures do do what you say, however the cholesterol in eggs do contribute to this process.

Since the arteries are getting clogged with the help of eating eggs regularly, this is a contributor of heart disease.

I don't know why you are saying this. Because it is not the cholesterol in eggs directly?

Now like you say animals die in plant-food production. This is true and obviously I don't think it is moral.

Are you saying this to change the subject to look for hypocrisy? Or is this a justification for what happens in the egg industry?

If in my hypocrisy, well I know how to contribute to a reduction in the egg industry and so I will. A reduction would mean less hens, caged or free-range, being exploited to produce eggs for us, and less male chicks being killed in a grinder.

With the eradication of species from farming plants that I eat, you tell me? Obviously I do not think this is moral so if I knew how to reduce this I would.

And as for the eradication of species from farming plants that are used for chicken feed, well again I do know how to contribute to it's reduction.

Nowhere do I see a justification to continue eating farmed eggs because I'm a hypocrite that doesn't know how to reduce every instance of animal death.

Yes you are right animals are dying in every instance of food production. Which direction however leads to less and less animals dying in all industries?

And you were right that I couldn't be bothered late last night.

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