FOOD REVIEW: Banana Sale Aceh [ENG] #06

in #food7 years ago

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Hello Steemian ! Good Night Steemian wherever you are. May your condition be healthy always and always be in the protection of God Almighty. On this happy day we can meet again exactly on the eve of the evening, only you are a faithful person and always accompany me in every of my best works. Well this time @foarsyad will come back to accompany you around the interesting and unique Food review. No less from the previous post steemian, this opportunity I will share to you with a post that can pamper you with the title Banana Sale Aceh. Want to know what kind of reviews will I share? Let's take a closer look at the steemian ..

I initially do not believe if in Banda Aceh, there is a food factory that is old enough this. until bang Hotli reported that he wanted to cover the activities of making a banana Sale not far from the tomb of Syech Kuala. It's a loss when I pass this momentum. Be with me. The clock is still at nine o'clock in the morning. The hands of Isaac bang, bang Martunis and kak Leha, have skillfully separated Wak banana from its bunches. Pretty quick. These two young men have been doing it for almost a year now. While kak Lela, occasionally beat bananas that have been cooked with rolling cake. One by one the banana Wak (musa acuminata) that has been cooked into a bucket of medium size black. Every time the round black container is full, Isaac bangs sharply into the roasting room. "This must be sold (smoked) for two days and two nights. Until really mature. The fire should also be arranged rather small. Do not overheat. Let it taste good and good color, not too black "said bang Ishak while flipping bananas that had smoked since yesterday afternoon. Occasionally, he checks the fires. Every once in a while, he just stood and looked at one by one the banana stove. The smoke from the stove filled most of the room that morning. Looking at it, got me trapped in the nostalgic homes of grandmother of the time of Idul Fitri. Banana Sale, is basically a typical snack Aceh east coast. However, along with the development of the city of Banda Aceh today, some Acehnese special snacks began to penetrate the markets in the city of Banda Aceh. No exception Bananas Red Golden Sale. The owner, is from Pidie Jaya district. Then, as demand grew from the city of Banda Aceh, he decided to start his business in the northernmost city of Indonesia. Typical Aceh snacks, it has become one of the typical souvenirs of Aceh. Usually, the most crowded enthusiasts are tourists who come from neighboring countries, Malaysia. It's sweet and legit, making anyone who enjoys it does not want to stop in one pack.

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Long before Aceh began to become one of the tourist destinations, Pisang Sale, it has become a must-eat snacks are presented when Idul fitri holiday arrives. Bananas are processed in a traditional way and do not use these preservatives, according to some people believed to have been there since the era of the Pasai Ocean kingdom. I stood up, frozen. Enjoy the smell of bananas that begin to mature. One by one quoted, then started wrapped with an average size of 200 grams of wrap. "If the banana does not run out, we will process it into fried sale bananas" said kak lela, who from the beginning of my arrival busy banging banana sale to flat with the use of rolling cake. "Later he will be in the drying again until it is completely dry. Only then will he be fried and ready to return to the market ". Said kak Lela while continuously beating the remaining Sale bananas from the market. Natural banana products are not durable and often excessive. Not because it does not sell, but because its processing who do not use preservatives. So it makes it less durable. The factory located in Alue Naga area, Banda Aceh, has been established for more than six years. With a total of about six workers who are mostly women. In a day, they produce up to 50 kg of Banana Sale. The targeted market is still around Banda Aceh. However, I must admit, if kids today may not be too familiar with this one snack. Several Acehnese outsiders began to cover the markets in the city of 62 km square. Call it, bika Ambon, Napoleon sponge and so forth. Although it looks unattractive, behind it all, Banana Wak has good properties for the health of the body. Especially when he has smoked. One of them is that it can reduce heartburn. No, not because the banana is filling. However, organic compounds in bananas stimulate the activity of cells in the lining of the stomach to build a protective against acid. Bananas also contain protease inhibitors, which eliminate harmful bacteria that are associated with the development of stomach ulcers. And still so many other benefits of the banana. But, times are sophisticated. Not all will care about it. Tough competition, invasion of products from outside Aceh. Make it must survive and continue to survive. I, sometimes feel sad and proud at the same time. Miris because Banda Aceh today, so much food "import" which slowly began to erode my nostlagia foods when still a child. Proud, because looking banana Sale is still able to survive. I do not know how long, I dare not guess. One thing for sure, I am happy to see first hand the process of making this legendary snack of Aceh. So, if you go to Aceh one day, do not forget to feel the pleasure of banana Sale.

Banana sale, is a traditional food based banana. Typical food known to be located in Langkahan, North Aceh regency is now disappearing in the market. Traditional snacks this one is not lost because of displaced by foreign food, but the source of raw materials that have become extinct. "As I recall, the year 2005 was the production of banana sale in Langkahan In 2007, the source for this special food began to disappear, and thousands of hectares of banana plants in this area died slowly, until now there is no more production of banana sale," and Zahiri say, some of the banana plants that have been fruitful at that time suddenly rot. Gradually, the unknown diseases continue to attack thousands of hectares of other banana plants. "The fruit is ready to be harvested, suddenly yellowing withered, then decaying.Our efforts did not work out.In 2008, the Department of Agriculture from the province also had come and see the type of disease directly, but they are also confused," said Zahiri . The same is also conveyed by Muslem, a resident of Tanjoeng Dalam. He said, banana sale is often used as a traditional food outside the area had a magnificent to Malaysia. "But that was the calamity, it was a reinforcement from Allah, we export banana sale to Medan, but many buyers have difficulty to reach Langkahan area, finally we have market in Lhoknibong, East Aceh and Pantonlabu, North Aceh, both known as central place of banana sale.Anyone off the bus directly asked banana sale, "said Muslem. It is said, in Langkahan, almost every door of a resident's home has a banana sale. However, now the banana sale tool that there is only partly in the home residents. In fact, many residents who have transferred banana plants into oil palms. Muslem convey, the process of making a banana sale this requires simple steps. It's just about five days. Banana that has been yellow, in the sun on the sun blister day up to five days. The next step is fogging on the fire to keep the bananas already dried into a slippery water. "Unfortunately, now the banana sale no longer exists, although there are many banana plants in other areas, but the production of banana sale is not like that produced in Langkahan, we hope the government will immediately find a solution for pests that attack banana plants," he hoped.

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One by one banana peel skin peeled off, then placed in a black bucket. After that the banana was brought to the cook stove in a special room. There are 16 banana cookstoves in the room. Each stove made of betun, height of about 1.5 meters were together. Wide one wait about 2 x 1.5 meters. Alas where banana sale cooking is made from bamboo that is cut into small pieces. Through the bamboo cavities is then hot incoming to dry banana sale that takes 2 x 24 hours. Fire should not be extinguished. Hundreds of bunches of bananas were hung neatly in the yard. Bananas were imported from various parts of Aceh, as a raw material for making red gold brand banana. Three workers peeled and selected every banana they wanted to cook. Overcooked bananas are not used anymore, because the quality of banana sale will go down. While joking, they must wrestle with time, so bananas are not too ripe, selecting one by one. While some locals have been waiting to take skin and away banana peeled off. "This leather can be used for animal feed, be it goat or cow, so it is not wasted," said Red Golden banana business owner Husni some time ago at Gampong Deah Rawa, Kecamatan Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh. During the curing process, workers should not be negligent for a second. If not always controlled will be fatal. It could be too big a fire to make a banana charred, can also fire that makes the banana sale immature that resulted in quality decline. Husni implements quality. What else is the process of making it very clean.

Cleanliness is the main thing to consider in making banana sale. To enter the kitchen room only, not justified using dirty clothes, what else uses footwear. Ceramic-floor kitchen room, all footwear should be left outside before entering. The kitchen is also always cleaned, including the place of banana cultivation that is made of bamboo always washed after a banana sale cook. "Because we are hygienic, we have permission and also have halal certificate from MUI," explained Husni. Husni revolves, initially as a banana sale agent in Banda Aceh. But suddenly bananas in Aceh are exposed to pests that make the price of bananas soared. Previously only Rp 15 thousand per kilogram rose drastically to Rp 40 thousand per kilogram, and the selling price of Rp 50 thousand about 4 years ago. Apparently, although expensive, call Husni still there is a buy and this he assumes a huge market potential. "That's why I went to Lhoknibong, North Aceh to study and I brought one expert to Banda Aceh," he explained. Banana sale is produced Husni has two kinds, super quality called Red Golden and ordinary quality. Prices are different. For red gold banana sold at Rp 70 thousand per kilogram, and the usual Rp 50 thousand per kilogram. During this time, Husni claimed to be able to spend 80 bunches of bananas with the amount of 320 kilograms of banana sale once cooked. "If the big days that can reach 300 away, quite in demand and potential and this goods on the market is not enough," he said. During this Husni confess only to market only in Banda Aceh and surrounding areas. Usually consumers come from foreign tourists and local or domestic tourists who visit Aceh. According to him, this is a huge business potential that should be developed. Because all this time he claimed to be overwhelmed to meet market demand for banana sale products.

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Sale banana is processed food from banana fruit combed thin and then dried. The purpose of drying is to reduce the water content of bananas so that the banana sale is more durable. This banana sale can be directly eaten or fried with flour first. besides, now sale banana has various taste like flavor of cheese. Currently, the production of banana sale has penetrated the international market. Sale banana is a banana product made with drying and fumigation process. Sale is known to have a distinctive flavor and aroma. Banana is a horticultural plant that is quite important for health. Bananas that have been cooked can be processed various kinds of food one of them is disale alias pisang sale, banana sale has long been known as the traditional food of the region, one of the typical banana sale Aceh many areas of East Aceh district which is a banana sale center for the Aceh region. Banana sale typical of Aceh, the process of making is a banana that has been cooked in peeled skin and then dried in the sun, after that done penyalaan or fumigation so that banana sale more durable, so on smeared or smeared sugar cane (not sugar), banana sale has the aroma and a distinctive flavor. The color is brown, slightly shiny slightly makes us want to taste it. Banana sale is a snack of Acehnese people since the time of the first indatu, which has become the fruit of Aceh. Banana sale can be directly eaten or fried with flour first.

Banana salee is processed foods from banana in thin comb and then dried in the sun, the purpose of drying is to reduce the water content in the banana, so the banana salee is durable, this salee banana can either be eaten or can be fried with flour to have a taste which is different, besides this banana salee also has various flavors that is the taste of cheese, pineapple taste and others. Banana salee is a banana product made by drying and fumigation process. Sale is known to have a distinctive flavor and aroma. the origin of peoduk banana salee is still less clear because this pearl banana is found in various regions in Indonesia banana salee sold in many nanggroe aceh darussalam, especially in lhoknibong aceh east banana salee is dominating in the fruit market (Karona) is. Important traits that determine the quality of sale of banana are their color, taste, odor, elasticity, and shelf life. The nature is much influenced by the way of processing, packing, and storage of its products. Sale made during this time is often not good quality especially when made during the rainy season. When made in the rainy season it needs to be dried with artificial drying. Banana that has been ripe opened his skin and cleaned. Dredge the skin that is still attached to the banana meat. If left, banana meat can turn black. Then cut 1 banana into two equal parts. If you use sodium bisulfite, before the banana is dried in the sun can be soaked with a solution of a mixture of water and sodium bisulfite. Length of bath is about 10 minutes. After that lift and drain for 15 minutes. After that, arrange neatly in a container such as winnowing and drying in the sun for about 5 days. After the water content is reduced, the bananas can be taken and stored. When about to be consumed, banana sale can be directly fried. If you want a more delicious flavor, can be fried with flour. The flour dough in the form of campurang wheat flour, rice flour. The comparison is 2: 1. Enter the sugar, salt and margarine to taste. Add also water, make sure it is not too thin and hard. Once ready, dip the banana sale and then fry it. Each of these ways has their respective advantages and disadvantages. Making sale of bananas with sodium bisulfite and also sulfur fumes can cope with the problems found in traditional sale making with smoke. With the use of sodium and sulfur, the color of banana sale is brighter, microbes can be overcome and color changes can be prevented. Modern manufacture is basanya applied by industrial and household scale banana sale. Well, for those of you who want to enjoy a banana sale with the family, the traditional way is also worth to apply anyway!

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Simple Dry Rice Sale Recipes Simple (Crispy) Recipes Simple. Various collection of wet and dry banana sale recipes or banana sale fried most famous typical of Bandung and typical Aceh complete 2016. According to Wikipedia sale banana site is processed food from banana fruit combed thin and then dried. The purpose of drying is to reduce the water content of bananas so that the banana sale is more durable (durable). This sale banana can be directly eaten or fried with flour first to crispy and crunchy kriuk and there are also dipangang / burn with oven on banana sale oven. besides, banana sale now has a variety of flavors such as flavor of cheese and chocolate. Currently, the production of banana sale has penetrated the international market. Sale banana is a banana product made with drying and fumigation process. Sale is known to have a distinctive flavor and aroma of banana preparations. Also read the recipes of banana (banana) recipes and banana fried products are typical foods from the original Karangpucung and Majenang located in Cilacap regency, Central Java. But in its development many other cities are developing and producing Banana Sale. So today many opinions that the originality of Banana Sale as recognized from a certain city. Important traits that determine the quality of sale of banana are their color, taste, odor, elasticity, and shelf life. The nature is much influenced by the way of processing, packing, and storage of its products. Sale made during this time is often not good quality especially when made during the rainy season. When made in the rainy season it needs to be dried with artificial drying (with a tungro system).

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Materials Needed :

  • Commonly used banana is a banana or an old mature mascot. For the first experiment, make a small amount of about 2 kg bananas.
  • 500 grams of rice flour
  • 250 grams of wheat flour
  • Margarine as needed
  • Sugar according to taste
  • Salt according to taste
  • As well as cooking oil

Ways of Making:

  1. First of course you have to clean the banana skin. New thinly sliced

    with longitudinal direction.
  2. Then dry the banana that has been sliced

    to dry. It usually takes 5-6 days for the bananas to dry completely. Remember when sunning should be often on the back yes.
  3. If it's dry, let's start the cooking stage. Mix rice flour, flour, sugar, salt and margarine into one place and stir until dough is evenly distributed.
  4. Then the banana that has been dried was put into the flour dough and on the back flatten until evenly distributed.
  5. Prepare a frying pan and oil is heated and then enter one by one banana that has been given flour.
  6. Fry until the color is golden yellow, remove and drain
NOTE: This is a recipe for a delicious dry banana sale for you Steemian



  • Banana Ambon (basic ingredients may be other bananas, provide as needed)
  • 20 grams of sodium bisulfite
  • 1 liter of water


  1. Peel the banana peels that have been old and ripe and then slightly screw the outside to clean.
  2. After that do the banana soaking process into a solution of sodium bisulfite (15 grams of Sodium bisulfite in a water kettle).
  3. Wait 10 minutes.
  4. Keep all the bananas submerged, then drain
  5. Put the result of the drone on top of the tampah then drying on the shelf with straw-covered clothes for 5-7 days.
  6. While dried at any time bananas flattened (pressed) with round wood or bamboo
  7. The next process you live wrap sale banana that has been dried with dried banana leaves.
  8. Prepare clean plastic and hygienic then banana sale sale earlier and close tightly. Read also recipe all processed banana epe banana recipe



  • 2 banana horn / ambon combs, which are ripe
  • 500 grams of wheat flour
  • 250 grams of sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla powder
  • 1000 ml of cooking oil (for frying)
  • 400 ml of water


  1. Peel the banana and then slice thinly and dry in the sun to dry brown.
  2. Mix wheat flour with granulated sugar, powdered vanilla and pour water a little bit by bit while stirring until blended and batter slightly dilute.
  3. Add the dried bananas to the dough until smooth and fry in hot oil with a large fire until the sale is cooked evenly and brownish and then lift the drain on the plate that is painted with paper tisue so that the oil is absorbed and the sale is completely dry. Also read the recipe for banana molen
  4. Keep a sale in airtight or airtight plastic to keep the sale crisp and durable for 5-6 people.

In order for banana sale to remain crispy, place in topless. Well, dry banana sale is ready, ready to be enjoyed. Suitable for an afternoon snack with the family. Good luck yes!

Written by: @foarsyad
Indonesia, 19 February 2018   

That is how I can share the bread of Keukarah Aceh on Monday evening. You do something Do not hesitate to share your experience in cooking new things, because this is a good positive value. Do not let big things and momentum above the mumentum, Precisely than that you will get a good thing and a better Steemian. If in my writing there are shortcomings and advantages you can give me suggestions and comments on each of my writing. Thank you for visiting my post today.

My Writing History on Food:
1. FOOD REVIEW: Kickshaw Fruit Nutmeg Pypical Aceh [ENG] #01
2. FOOD REVIEW: Dendeng Aceh [ENG] #02
3. FOOD REVIEW: Bakpia Aceh [ENG] #03
4. FOOD REVIEW: Bread Canai Aceh [ENG] #04
FOOD REVIEW: Bread Keukarah Aceh [ENG] #05

Thank You I Speak to the Steemit Community of Indonesia Specifically to Curator @aiqabrago and @levycore who has supported me to be able to channel my hobby to my friends Steemian in Indonesia.



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Great one post....nice writing and thinking...
good food...good health..
i appreciate your post.....keep it up

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