RAW VEGAN SUPERFOOD CRACKERS! Repurposing Leftover Juicing Pulp!

in #food7 years ago

I've been super inspired with making raw vegan super delicious and nutritious superfood super snacks (that can be turned into meals easily too!)!

Yesterday I wrote about how to make a raw vegan cheese!

Being raw has been a major part of my healing transformation, so I feel extra super enthusiastically excited about all the "new" raw cuisine and inspired to share the deliciousness!

Raw vegan superfood crackers!!!!

I was originally planning on making a raw vegan cheese cake, but when you have fresh food, you gotta use it or it will go bad and get wasted (or hopefully composted!)!

My family had gone on a short vacation to Turks and Caicos Islands, in the Caribbean!

I didn't join them due to being super focused on healing! As I didn't want to give myself the temptation of climbing coconut trees there for optimal raw food during the trip, haha!

Upon their return they felt they vacationed so hard, and wanted/needed to detox with some green and veggie juice!

So I changed my cheese cake plans to juice! (Though I'll probably make my next post about that! :)

The juicing station set up! :)

I wanted to make a lot of juice, so I grabbed and washed a bunch of fresh produce, prioritizing to use the greens!

In this picture I have (and juiced in this order);

  • Apples
  • Carrots
  • Beets
  • Ginger
  • Green onion
  • Kale
  • Chard
  • Orange
  • Pomegranate


When I felt done juicing, there was SO MUCH PULP even though I love juice and always want more! The pulp felt like a good indicator that I made enough, filling up exactly one glass for my mom, dad, sister, and me! :)

Normally we just compost the pulp, but normally I don't do the juicing either! (Unless it was coconut! Haha.)

Since I juiced it, I didn't want to compost the pulp, especially since it was such a delicious variety of fruits and veggies! <3

So I pondered what to do with them, and crackers is by far the easiest solution, as well as potentially the most delicious solution!

I looked up a couple recipes online, all of them extremely simple and easy! However I had WAAAAAAAY more pulp than any of them used for their measurements, so I just wrote them and their ingredients down to fuel some ideas as I made my own recipe up! :)

Here is the recipe I wrote down, following with some extra ingredients you can add to dank it up!

  • 2 1/2 cups of juicer pulp
  • 1/2 cup ground organic flax seed RAW
  • 1/2 cup organic RAW sunflower seeds
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 teaspoon dried dill weed

And the extras/variations;

  • chia seeds
  • tamari/coconut aminos
  • dry parsely/oregano
  • turmeric
  • black pepper
  • garlic (powder/fresh)

Proceeding with 4 simple steps, which I also changed in mine, but here are the ones from the recipe;

  1. Mix all your ingredients in a bowl, and depending how awesome your juicer is, you may need to add water (or some form of liquidy ingredient!).
  2. Spread it across a dehydrator sheet and tray!
  3. Dehydrate it at 115º degrees for 2 hours, then break it apart into pieces and flip them over to dehydrate for 2 more hours. (Squares are usually the most efficient for as most dehydrators tend to be squared).
  4. Keep checking until they are crispy to your preference!

Dehydrating times will vary depending how moist or dry the pulp is!

Keeping the infinite possibilities in mind, I began my creation, taking in these ideas and combining them with my own ideas and ingredients! :)

Here's what I used;

  • RAW chia, sunflower, flax, and sesame seeds
  • Coconut butter
  • Garlic
  • Oregano
  • Basil
  • Parsley
  • Dill weed
  • Truffle infused olive oil
  • Ginger
  • Turmeric
  • Curry
  • Mustard
  • Paprika & smoked paprika
  • Nutritional yeast
  • Peperoncino
  • Himalayan pink salt

I eyed all of the proportions out, so this will be a one of a kind creation, though I plan on making more NEW crackers today after this post! :)

Mix it REAL good! You can use your hands or utensils as preferred! :)

I didn't add any water as it had enough from the coconut butter and olive oil!

Spread them out onto the dehydrator tray sheets, and stick them in to begin!

I set the dehydrator at 105º degrees instead of 115º to keep it more RAW, hehe! :)

So it took 4-6 hours before it was dry enough to be ready to break and flip!

I decided to switch out the dehydrator sheets for these mesh ones as well, this way I wouldn't have to keep flipping the crackers over like it said to do in the other instructions!

However, be warned, this can (quite inevitably) be more messy! :P

As little seeds and pieces of pulp may fall through the netting!

Also, something I learned during this step thanks to hindsight, for next time!

You may want to break the desired cracker size pieces while the big slab is on the first dehydrator sheet instead of as I did over these mesh sheets to have a smaller mess!

Once broken down and flipped, place it back into the dehydrator!

Again I set it at 105º degrees, but unless you want to follow the the original instructions, or if you are in a rush or simply don't care if its raw or cooked, you can always turn it up higher!

Just don't forget to check on it more consistently the higher you set the temperature if you do.

Wa-la! Raw crackers! Easy and delicious! :)

These are awesome because you can repurpose all that "leftover" pulp, and on top of that, there are INFINITE extremely simple or complex variations to make these however you prefer and feel! <3

Later I will share a some EPIC SUPER DANK simple meals you can prepare using these crackers!

Yesterday I made an awesome "bread with avocado and cheese" (raw vegan of course) breakfast with these crackers, that was my first breakfast that wasn't a smoothie or fresh fruits since the surgery!

And today my mom prepared some unbelievably delicious RAW BLT sandwiches for lunch!!!!

Though I haven't made it yet, the first thing I wanted to use these crackers for was some RAW HUMMUS!!!! As I use to be addicted to hummus when I first discovered it, probably because it has tahini in it, and now we have raw tahini serendipitously! So as soon as I finished the crackers, I immediately learned how to sprout chickpeas and began the process!

Today they finally got significantly noticeable sprouts growing! Though I will wait until tomorrow or the day after for them to be more sprouted before making the raw hummus! <3

I'm considering even planting a couple to see how they grow in Florida weather! :)


I hope you loved this as much as we did and follow us for more epic adventures, healing, and recipes!!



Thank you and STEEMON!!



Using the "waste" FTW!

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vi esas super galletas y me dio hambre :( jajajaja se ven super buenas <3 me gustaria prepararlas pero el 70% de los ingredientes no los conozco por aca xd

Jajaja son riquisimas!! <3
Con 30% las puedes hacer!!! ;)
Si tienes una maquina para hacer jugos, y hojas/vegetales/frutas para hacer jugo y sacar pulpa, y con una maquina o alguna forma para deshidratar la pulpa de sobra y ya estas!!! <3

jajajaja por aca nada de eso xd el exprimidor son las manos junto con un cuchillo para sacarle el jugo jjajajaja yo eh hecho galletas de avena y uffff <3 pero estas se ven demasiados buenas, algún día me colocare a inventar y hare una super creación igual que esa

jajajaja siii casi en todos lados hay que hacerlo asi :P
Pero igual con las sobras del jugo si lo cortas con el cuchillo puedes hacerle una masa tambien y secarlo al sol o al horno aunque ahi no quedaria crudo! ;)

Por suerte mis papas estan invirtiendo mas en facilitar este estilo de vida, lo mas que les empieza gustar la comida cruda y especialmente la salud!!! <3

No hay que hacer igual! Era el punto de mi receta, yo copie una receta de 5 ingredientes, y me invente a mi sabor jajaja, a todos les gustan diferentes cosas :P
Yo no calcule nada precisamente, todo a ojo, usando mas de los ingredientes que me parecen deliciosos para mi jajaja

jajajaja empezaste a jugar con los sabores e ideaste una nueva reacción de receta :v esas son las mejores jajjajaja claro hay que saber que sabe bien con que para que a la final sea una obra maestra xd literal veo las galletas y me pega hambre :v

jajaja exacto, y eso que nunca fui muy bueno en cocinar y crear comidas así mezcladas, siempre necesitaba ayuda, y dependia bastante de mi hermano cuando preparábamos comida xD
Ahora gracias a la experiencia de aprendizaje que me vino a través largo proceso de sanar, sin cocinar puedo preparar cosas riquísimas!!! <3
Ayer se acabaron, asi que uno de estos dias va ver que hacer mas jugo y hacer una ronda 3 de super galletas!!!! :D

jajajajajajaja yo tambien quiero :v , yo tampoco soy muy bueno cocinando aprendi de pequeño a los golpes jajajajaja ahorita cuando quiero cocinar algo asi rico y no se como hacerlo, coloco youtuve :v

Cheers :)


Cheers!! :D

I love seeing you getting more into the raw foods! Yeah for Health! Two suggestions: 1.) Make sure you soak any seeds or nuts first. 2.) When mixing the pulp with stuff, throw it in the food processor with some fresh tomatoes and mandolin thin sliced onion. The crackers come out so good especially when you use them to eat like fresh avocado/garlic/cilantro/lime guacamole!

OH YEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! 💓💗💖💗💓 I love that you love it!! 😄 💓💗💖💗💓

Well I've always been super into raw foods, but never felt a need/desire to stick to a fully raw "diet" while there are so many other delicious foods to indulge in, especially that I don't have to pay for x) (Even though I was still raw for the most part!)

However through feeling the "need" for it, it became super easy to "convert" with 100% dedication, towards healing optimally!!! 💓💗💖💗💓💓💗💖💗💓

Also since I was never into "cooking"/food preparation it was way easier to just eat the fruits/leaves directly from the source, and still preferred! 🐒💓💗💖💗💓🐒

I almost ALWAYS soak the nuts and seeds! Hehe, though I indeed did not do that for this batch of crackers, ahahah! Thanks for pointing that out though, its definitely way more optimal!
Though since this was a "spur of the moment" type of creation, as I never made crackers or used juicer pulp for anything before, I just made due of the circumstances! :)

I actually already left all the same nuts and seeds soaking overnight for the next batch of crackers I'm planning on making today! 😜
I've been considering adding onions and olives, though tomatoes sound dank!!! I need to make more juice so I can keep making more crackers!!
So far I've always combined them with avocado, lemon/lime, and some kind of greens that taste garlic/onion-y, but avocado is a super blessing and danks almost anything up tenfold just on its own XD

My family and I all loved the crackers! This batched tasted kind of like pizza xD There's barely any left already and I made 4 trays!!


Wow, this is amazing. Especially with all this healthy ingredients. I love chia seeds, we usualy drink it with tea. it’s very healthy for your hair and nails and probably more. Your Raw Crackers must be very good.

It's so easy and suuuuuuuuuuuper delicious and suuuuuuuuuuuuuuper healthy!!! 😄
Though as @kimberleighfl said, it's always best to soak all nuts and seeds for at least 2-8+ hours! 💖
Make sure to chew the seeds up too! ;)
I didn't know it was healthy for hair and nails, but that makes a lot of sense, definitely for WAY more health benefits too! 💗
The crackers came out SOOOO DELICIOUS, they taste kind of like pizza flavor!!!! In fact they almost all got eaten so fast I plan on making more today! 😄
Except for today I already left all the seeds and nuts soaking overnight for optimal healthy activated nutrition!! 💓

Hi, this is really inspiring! I am a natural plant based vegan and even tho I eat 50% raw I'm not able to quite go all the way there yet. I'm a bit confused how you can make raw humus with chickpeas (cos they need to be cooked, unless somehow u can pickle them?) or your using something else? can't wait to find out! also heard something about truffle oil not being strictly vegan because it uses a pig or dog to sniff them out (and thats exploitation of animal, that vegans are against) i think its a bit of a grey area... im not sure, i normally dont bother with it because its pricey

I'm glad you find this inspiring @celestialcow! 💓
That's awesome to hear though, I use to be mostly raw, and vegetarian before going raw vegan over night hahaha. I mainly made this shift because I had surgery for my ankle and wanted to heal optimally and feel that optimal healing and health can be found through fasting and eating raw, especially fruits!
I don't like the confinement of labels and the restricted determining aspects of them, though they are definitely handy when it comes to communicating now a days! Hehe :)
As long as you have positive thoughts and no judgement and focus on seeing yourself and relationships (as everything in life is) transparently then you will only make infinitely growing progress which is all that matters! :)

Aaaaaah I never considered that about the truffle oil, though mine is more animal friendly! Hehe.
As I said it was mildly infused is because we already finished the original oil that came in the container, but it comes with a tiny piece of truffle inside of the flask. So I just refilled the container with extra virgin olive oil and let it sit for months to re-infuse instead of throwing it out when it was finished! :)
It's definitely a luxurious flavor! Though we never bought it ourselves either! :P
You only need a tiny amount for a lot of flavor because of how potent it is!

As for the hummus, I will probably be making it today or tomorrow! :)
I've helped make and had raw hummus a couple times in the past, and you can use other things such as lentils, or zucchini instead of chickpeas, I plan on making a zucchini one next! :)
However, as for the chickpeas, you don't HAVE to cook them, you can sprout them! If you have an amazing blender/food processor you can just soak them and it should be enough, but for the healthiest most activated form to eat them sprouting is optimal!
Hehehe, I'm not sure how pickled chickpeas would taste in a hummus, but I know that one time when we "over-soaked" our chickpeas, they started to ferment and still tasted pretty good! (Raw).
However, they just kept exponentially fermenting so unfortunately we had to throw them out =/ We forgot and left them inside the car when that happened hahaha, it's hard to synchronize cooking with outdoor fires while road-tripping xD Luckily that was the only time that ever happened!

excellent work

no i dont have judgements, im pretty open minded! Oh yes i forgot u can sprout, i do it accidentally when i soak my pulses. I make different kinds of hummus too, with pulses etc it's great. yes raw is optimum for healing that is true. Atm it's winter here in spain and there is no heating so i do need a warm meal. and i also think there is something magical about a warm broth made from fresh ingredients. I didn't know you were road tripping, that's awesome your living and cooking on the move. Thanks for taking the time to write me back such a long reply. :)
I also cook everyday on my travels, i just recently posted about the most awesome spice shop I visited in france, maybe you or anyone else here might wanna check it out here


Hablas español?? O prefieres ingles? o:
That's good! It's good to feel good about everything, letting go of any guilt/regret! I use to feel that a lot especially towards food... hahaha
Open minded is great, open to all possibilities for learning! :)

Sprouting is one of my favorite ways to eat anything that isn't a fruit, especially coconut sprouts!! 😍
I never heard of pulses until googling it just now, but I'm definitely gonna start making mixtures like that, and probably make a hummus out of it too!! 😍 Heheh
I was gonna say, you don't need chickpeas to make hummus, but thats just the traditional way to do it! Even though sprouted isn't cooked, I feel like it tastes pretty much the same, but feels way better! :)
Speaking of which, I actually just finished making the hummus not even an hour ago! Though I don't know if I'll have time to make a post today as I'm going to get some sun after writing this comment hehe! Afterwards I plan on making more raw crackers for the hummus! 😍 The best hummus combo I've ever had!!

I'm not road tripping anymore, that was some months ago! I'm healing from surgery now at my parents house, and the better I get, the more raw stuff I'll be making, until I can get back to climbing trees and processing coconuts again!! 😍

Ahaaa I totally feel that though, being in a cold environment naturally desires warmth as that is one of life's most innate instincts! That makes more sense why it would be hard to be raw to begin with!

If you want to be raw, I recommend moving somewhere tropical FULL of FRUITS!!! :)
I love being able to climb trees and harvest fresh fruits, I wouldn't ever feel the need to take all the time processing it, but it is a fun skill to have and share especially when all the ingredients are abundantly accessible!

My pleasure, you seem like good vibes! I appreciate genuine expression and connections.
It's nice to see people actually read and appreciate what I'm sharing as otherwise there would be no point in posting anything, since I don't need to share any of this to be happy xD

I will open the link now, but I'll leave it open to check it out in a couple hours when I get back online, after the sun sets and the juice is made and the crackers dehydrating! :)


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🌳🌴🌲🐵🙈🐒🐵🙊🙉 NOKI NATURE GIRL!! 🙈🐒🐵🙊🐒🐵🌳🌴🌲

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