Food Industry: Learning about SUGAR

in #food7 years ago (edited)

Hi there :)
So happy you are reading my message and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this.

Around a half a year ago I went through the program, called #WildFit. It is 90 days quests with the main purpose to open our eyes on what food industry does, build our relationship with food, learn about nutrition and as a result lose weight, but not simple wait - body fat.

Anyway, due to that program, I learn what is sugar in fact and how we become addicted to it.
I guess the reason I never knew and as I thought never had a bad relationship with sugar because my grandparents towards to the end of their lives became diabetics and by default, we did not have actual sugar at home, only the substitute in case their sugar level went bad - they needed to take it.
So for me drinking tea without sugar was absolutely fine… So I was sure I was okay and had healthy life


Eating sugar is not just having this white, brown color product, but eating bread and not knowing it has sugar, eating pretty much everything I would normally eat and did not know it had sugar.
You might say it is obvious and I should have just learned this but there are so and I can’t stress how much few places where people can learn about nutrition.

So I started exploring this world of sugar and to my shock discovered how food industry lies to us and makes us obsessed with sugar from very young age.
Currently, I am living in Malaysia and planning to stay here for another couple of years and it just makes me sad to know that

Malaysia is now the fattest country in Asia

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But luckily I am working in Mindvalley, where we want people to wake up and live a conscious life, not necessarily stop eating sugar but to know when they eat what it does to them and why they feel like having more and more of it.

And my CEO shot this message for the citizens of Malaysia and the world what sugar does and even more

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Message from my CEO the sugar

In the next post, I would go more in depth to my perseption of food industry and my personal experience with the program.
For now I think this is already enough information to process.

Thanks for being with me,
Can't wait to hear from you



Yes, it's amazing how bad sugar can be for you, and it's in SO many products!

yes, I am now more and more aware. Reading what the package says, hoping it is true haha

I have heard that sugar is 10 times more addictive than cocaine and is the number 1 cause of type 2 diabetes in adults. I'm trying to kick sugar myself, in all forms "bread, baked goods, soft drinks etc." but it has been hard because it is so damn addictive.

hello @j1984mg! yes absolutely it is not easy but worthy by the end of the day.
I first moved to natural sugar, which is fruits and even some vegetables :)

But...but...what's the point of living without sweetness in my life

@chuazm, there is so much sweetness in the world that is not sugar :P

loved ones for example #clichebuttrue

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