Four Delights One Bite
Good night, hopefully we are always in a healthy state. Watch TV feels incomplete if not equipped with small snacks, while watching tv eating beng-beng that gives four delights in one bite. Wafers, caramel, crunchy and chocolate tasted on the tongue of every bite. This snack is always there in my house and we always eat while watching TV with family.
Selamat malam, semoga kita selalu dalam keadaan sehat. Nonton TV terasa tidak lengkap jika tidak dilengkapi dengan cemilan kecil, sambil nonton tv makan "beng-beng" yang memberi empat kelezatan dalam satu gigitan. Wafer, karamel, renyah dan coklat terasa di lidah di setiap gigitan. Cemilan ini selalu ada di rumah saya dan kami selalu makan sambil nonton TV bersama keluarga.
Thank you for visiting my blog. I really hope @good-karma liked my post and ate * beng-beng *