The Struggle is Real - Dieting is a BITCH but Steemit got your back

in #food6 years ago


You have a choice to make.

What is more important to you: your health and your overall quality of life, or the short term burst of pleasure you get from food?

It's sounds like a no-brainer when phrased like that, right? Everyone knows the right answer should be the first choice. You know it, I know it, even that kid from 4th grade who thought chocolate milk came from brown cows knows it.

But your life is being run by food right now, so it's not so easy, is it? The food is calling the shots, and the food picks the second choice.

I get it. I loved fast food too. I loved pizza and burgers and Coke. I loved pints of ice cream and big sugary coffee drinks. I felt good when I ate that stuff too! But like you, I was miserable afterwards. I was physically uncomfortable and hated myself for being weak and giving in to my cravings.

And yet I kept doing it over and over. Because it was easy and comfortable and felt awesome while I was doing it.

And then one day I knew it was time for a real change. I knew if I kept taking the easy way out, my life would actually get much, much harder. In fact, it was already harder in a lot of ways that I chose to ignore. I couldn't do simple things that I should be able to do.

I got out of breath doing things that should have been easy. I was avoiding seeing old friends or making new ones because I was embarrassed by how I looked.

I decided to make a list of all the ways I was suffering because of my food choices.

It wasn't an easy list to make. I had to think about things that I definitely wanted to forget. I had to be more truthful with myself than I'd ever been. It was a matter of time for me until I was next if I kept up my old habits. Not if I would get it, but when.

But once I'd made that list, I knew there was no going back.

All my reasons for changing were staring me in the face. The cold, hard truth.

And each one meant more to me than food, especially when added together.

Suddenly, the food wasn't calling the shots anymore. I was.

And I'd had enough.

I made an immediate change. No crazy last binges, no grand announcements. I just changed.

Once I put myself in that different mindset, it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I see ice cream, and I know it's there, but I'm not tempted anymore. Why? Because I know what that ice cream tastes like. It's not new or life-changing. I've tasted it thousands of times.

But not right now.

Not never again...just not right now.

Each meal is an opportunity for me to make that first choice over and over. I focus on this meal and this meal only. Losing weight or reversing diabetes or whatever grand goal you have in mind seems impossible, doesnt it? It's too hard, it will take too long, so why even try?

But you know what's a lot easier? To make one right choice with the next meal you eat. That's it. Just that meal. Don't worry about any of the other meals to come. Just worry about that one meal.

Then, do the same thing next time.

You see where I'm going with this. Even the brown cow kid knows where I'm going with this.

We can all help you, internet stranger.

I'm pulling for you, we're all pulling for you.

I can't make your decisions for you though. You have to do that. But this weekend, I want you to make that list I talked about. Even if it's just in your head. Really dig deep. Think about long term consequences if you continue like you are now. What could your life be without these complications?

I know you're dogging on pizza toppings and bunless burgers, but I think that would actually be a fantastic way to transition for you. A lot of people on keto start out with small modifications like that to their fast food lifestyle, and build from there. It's easier than you think and a lot less depriving than you'd imagine.

We like to focus on all the awesome stuff we can eat rather than what we choose not to.

If you get fast food, try it without the bun. Just this once. It won't be quite the same, but maybe not so bad.

When you feel the food starting to make the choice for you, this fight is not over yet.

You can do this, and there are amazing communities here at Steemit that will help you.

Let us help you.

Sometimes we need someone else to believe in us first before we can believe in ourselves.

I believe in you and I believe in your power to change your life.

You can do this.

Thanks to Reddit user u/halfgumption for the inspiration and Pinterest for the image.

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