RE: Carcass is not a dirty word - make your own soup stock!
I always had an issue with bland soups before I started making my own soup stock. The stock is the key man! It is pretty much impossible to make a bland soup if you are starting with a homemade soup stock. Err on the side of not overseasoning the stock itself, it is always possible to add more herbs and spices to the eventual soups you make. But if you start with chicken carcasses and whatever beef and pork (or whatever) bones you have saved and let them cook down for a minimum of 24 hours with whatever random veggies you have laying around, the resulting stock is guaranteed to up your soup game by several levels. And not just soups! Slow cooking beef or pork roasts in your homemade stock results in the most tender, amazing meat you have ever had. Cooking beans in your stock results in the best beans ever. Seriously, stocks are a miracle and I wish it hadn't taken me most of my adult life to realize it. I don't throw away a single scrap of meat or bone now and I always have frozen soup stock on hand. Good luck!
Yeah I will have to give it a try next time I have a chicken.