Come here to eat seafood ! 来这里吃海鲜吧!

in #food7 years ago (edited)


During the day, because all kinds of building materials were seen outside and ran for a day, it happened that the gas in the house was stopped because some reasons. I could only find a place to eat outside. What do we eat? My husband said he would like to eat seafood in a restaurant, there is one near our home, just opened soon, all kinds of concessions! So we walked into the hotel.

白天因为在外面看各种建材,跑了一天,碰巧今天家里的煤气因为楼底下的故障也停了, 只能在外面找个地方吃饭了, 想想吃什么呢?

店名 2.jpg老公说去吃海鲜吧,家附近就有一个, 刚开业不久, 各种优惠呢!于是便走进了这家饭店。

It's really crowded here. There is one hour left to eat the dinner , but there are many people here. The hotel is divided into two floors, upstairs and downstairs. Each has a lobby and a private room. The place is large, bright and atmospheric. The menu is up to hundreds. Here are a variety of seafood and dishes. Seafood is fresh , placed in a glass jar, you can choose directly by looking.

还别说这里真是人头攒动,本来距离饭点还有一个多小时,但是人确已经不少了。 饭店分两层,楼上和楼下。各有大厅和包间。地方宽敞明亮,大气。映入眼帘的便是菜谱,多达上百个。 下面是各种海鲜以及菜品。海鲜都是活的,放在玻璃缸内,直接看着就可以选。









We ordered a seafood pot, and a sea urchin steamed cake, my husband said eating this kind of dish, won’t be fat but also beauty. Ha ha, he really knows my heart! There is a free area next to the service counter. It is corn congee and various kinds of light dishes. Guests can order whatever they want. To tell you the truth, I am also looking at this, small pieces of porridge, the cost is not much, but really free to eat, there are few. In the course of the meal, we had a little bit of cake, some light dishes, and a good tummy! And I like to eat fried prawn slices. Remember when we were young, because there is no other food , the living conditions is low , not afford to buy so much food, if we can eat Prawn Crackers fried, that means we are on festival . Eating the small dish, we waited.

我们俩个点了一个海鲜锅,又要了一个海胆蒸蛋糕,老公说这两个吃多少也不会发胖的, 有营养,还美容。哈哈, 他可真知我心啊!服务台旁边有个免费区,是玉米碴子粥,和各种小菜,客人依据自己所需可以随便点。 说实话, 我看中的也是这个, 小碴子粥成本也没多少, 但是真正做到免费吃的确没有几个。等菜的过程中,我们喝了点小碴子吃点小菜,润润肚子也不错!还有我爱吃的炸虾片。记得我们小时候,因为没有其他的,生活条件所限, 不能买那么多的小食品,买点虾片自己回家炸着吃,好像只有过节过年的待遇。装了一小盘,我俩边吃边等菜。







The service was still very fast, and soon the stove and a bowl of seafood came up. 2 or3 minutes, a pot of seafood on the boil, watching the boiling seafood, I can’t wait to eat . It really tastes good, and even this feeling is better than to eat at home, because, after all, it is directly cooked to eat. The sea urchin steamed cake is coming soon, the price is not expensive, 28 yuan.

上菜的速度还是很快的, 一会火炉和一盆海鲜上来了 。三两分钟,一锅海鲜就烧开了,看着张开口的海鲜,禁不住趁热吃起来。 味道不错, 甚至这种感觉比家里吃还好, 因为毕竟是直接煮熟了吃。海胆蒸蛋糕也很快上来了, 价格也不贵,28元。



We were eating and watching people coming and going. It's time for dinner. There are obviously more people. The waiter is shuttling between the tables. Because there are special dishes, as well as free side dishes and rice porridge, more importantly, the price is really very close to the people. Attracted nearby and many repeat guests to come over for dinner. The waiter was affable and the boss was a middle-aged woman of about forty. She was also busy with the waiter's plate, setting the table and asking whether the meal was delicious or not. I think her hard work must lead her to succeed !

我俩边吃边看着人来人往。到了饭点的时间了,明显的人多了,服务员穿梭于各个餐桌之间。 因为有特价菜,还有免费的小菜和稀饭,更主要的是价格真的做到很亲民。吸引了附近的和很多回头客过来吃饭。服务员态度和蔼可亲,老板是个四十左右的中年妇女, 她也忙着不停的跟服务员端盘子,收拾桌子,不停的询问饭菜是否可口。我想生意做到这份上,难怪不红火。



In fact, for each of us, no matter what we do, as long as you do it with your heart, sincerely treat people, you will get what you want . There is one sentence to tell “you how to treat others, others will how to treat you”. If you see customers as God, and customers trust you naturally. Don't complain, try hard, and life will give you what you deserve. May everyone find their worth in life. This meal let me see the star standard services, wage prices, nice service, ha ha, wish the boss makes a lot of money!

其实,对于我们每个人来说,不管做什么,只要用心去做, 诚心待人,有句话叫你怎么对待别人,别人就会怎么对待你。你视顾客为上帝, 顾客自然信任你。不抱怨,肯努力, 生活自然会给你应有的回报。愿每个人都能在生活中找到自己的价值。这顿饭让我看到了星级的标准,工薪的价格,亲民的服务, 哈哈,祝福老板多发财!






Playing in Dalian, if you want to eat seafood , come here. Here is working price but star service! ha ha, Forgive me I made free advertising for the boss.

来大连游玩,想吃海鲜的朋友,来这里吧,工薪的价格,星级的服务,哈哈, 老板的一顿饭就把我收买了,替人做广告了!

My sharing with you will stop here . A meal really let me think a lot . if you want to do something , keep doing it and never give up , the success will wait for you .


Thanks for reading . welcome to upvote , resteem and leave a message for @bxt .



Hey this is a great post! I will follow you from miami , come try our seafood :)

thanks !

Wow, this is amazing! Would love to visit there someday.

welcome !

As a fan of seafood great to see such a cornucopia of sea foods. Where I live it is hard to test them. For me, seeing is half eating :)

thanks for your comment , hope you like !

Hey @bxt, don't make people drool with your awesome and delish food posts! :)

haha , thanks for your reminding . it's not my fault !

Very delicious food of course, delicious fried shrimp .. may continue to enjoy good food, but keep your health ... hopefully your day is fun .. @bxt

thanks !

I like it.
My hobby eat... Ahhahah @bxt


Very good your post. amazing pictures. Delicious

Delicious food friend @bxt , how many flavors and colors , thanks for sharing your post :-)

many , i can't count it accurately . all kinds of flavors , but most of them are seafood .

Im love it... !
Heaven of seafood...

thanks !


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