Mid-Week Musings: Cereal

in #food7 years ago


My wife took this picture while grocery shopping – I think it accurately depicts our differences in eating preferences!

Can you blame me for liking Cocoa Moons cereal? It (as well as many other sugary cereals) is delicious! This one is clearly a knock off from the popular Cocoa Puffs brand, but I can’t taste any difference.

Honestly, I am not the healthiest eater – I probably need to eat smarter, especially since I am getting older. One of my bad habits is that I like to eat big dinners, so I eat smaller for breakfast and lunch so I can save room for a big dinner, which I think is the opposite of what you are supposed to do. My wife is a good cook, so if she is making dinner, I like to double down on that meal and truly enjoy it! I also eat a lot of meat, and my veggie/fruit intake is on the light side, despite my wife’s best efforts.

As I contemplate about whether or not to change my diet or eating habits, I find myself getting quite hungry – I think I will go eat some meat or cocoa moons right now! Perhaps 2019 will be a better year to think about making some changes anyway ;)



just get a nice balance of food - good and bad for you x

Yes, I agree! Thanks for stopping by!

Haha the age old dilemma, taste over nutrition! Personally I always fall on the side of taste, for me food (mainly cakes but anything sugary really) is something I enjoy in life and I'm happy to make the trade off. Maybe that's just the arrogance of youth, but if I spend years enjoying my unhealthy food then screw it! Plus I love cycling, so a good day out on the bike and you're talking about 3-4000 calories! I get to eat all of the cake in the world guilt free! In fact I would much advise cycling as a justification for cake, the best rides tend to start with a meetup at a cafe for some cake and coffee (most riders unwisely skip the cake here), then head out to a cafe for some more cake and coffee, then finish at the first cafe for, you guessed it, cake and coffee!!

Interesting, you might be someone that has to have a lot of protein to function. I am like that too, my protein is always high. Maybe trying to add one fruit or veggie that you like/love might be a start. Maybe...

Cocoa moons are awsome... i love it..😚🤗🤗

Haha- I love that you have healthy cereal & cocoa moons side by side in this photo! I am also a huge fan of breakfast cereals 🤩. I blame Chocolate cereals for my lifelong chocoholism.

I think you meant to say “credit” instead of blame... that is a positive thing! 😉

Haha...too true, my friend. Good point! I literally look at every dessert recipe & ask myself, "How can i add chocolate to this?"

Its looking very tasty food..

I totally understand you! You should mix things up a little bit trying new healthy but yet really tasteful meals... Changing your eating habits will make you feel better and it can for sure change your life for good.

Thank you for sharing your post with us and always remember to take care of yourself!

Good advice my friend... thanks for commenting!

I think you should eat more fruits and vegetables, try and make 5 meals a day breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner and if you want to eat more at dinner eat little at lunch, I think it is a matter of edcarse but everything can be eat colo that in moderate amounts

Both cereals are with refined sugars and those things are what taught me personally I used to spend that always being hungry but I learned that as long as we do not include many vegetables and fruits in our food we will always have that hunger or anxiety usually accompany the foods with salads, little by little try to eliminate fried foods and it's not bad that we occasionally eat sweets and those things

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