Procedure : How To Make Ramyeon (Food From Korea)

in #food7 years ago (edited)


@ayunajjua Good night all Steemians, here i will give korean food recipe, that is how to Ramyeon from korea. okay let's see tutorial that I give !!!

Who do not know this food? There are many ramyeon noodles that can be found in ordinary supermarkets. There is a special way to create it.


  1. 1 pack of Korean Ramyeon
  2. 1 chicken egg
  3. 1 spring onion, cut thinly
  4. 1 piece of kraft cheese
  5. Additional side dishes: Korean rice cake (toppoki), crab stick or kimchi

How to make:

  1. Cook ramyeon as usual.
  2. Put the onion slices and extra side dishes (if you want).
    Enter the ramyeon seasoning. Add a little salt and pepper to strengthen the flavor.
  3. Place the kraft cheese sheet over the boiling noodle.
  4. Enter the eggs and turn off the stove, let the eggs cooked in hot ramyeon sauce. If you do not like half-cooked eggs, put the eggs together with green onions.
  5. Let it be more delicious, do not serve it in a bowl, eat it straight from the pan!
    Siapa yang gak kenal dengan makanan satu ini? Ada banyak mie ramyeon yang bisa ditemui di supermarket biasa. Ada cara khusus untuk membuatnya.


1 bungkus Korean Ramyeon
1 butir telur ayam
1 batang daun bawang, potong tipis-tipis
1 lembar keju kraft
Tambahan lauk: kue beras Korea (toppoki), crab stick ataupun kimchi

Cara membuat:

  1. Masak ramyeon sama seperti biasanya.
  2. Masukkan potongan daun bawang dan tambahan lauknya (jika kamu mau).
  3. Masukkan bumbu ramyeon. Tambahkan sedikit garam dan merica untuk memperkuat rasanya.
  4. Letakkan lembaran keju kraft di atas mie yang mulai mendidih.
  5. Masukkan telur dan matikan kompor, biarkan telur matang dalam kuah panas ramyeon. Jika kamu tak suka telur setengah matang, masukkan telur bersamaan dengan daun bawang.
  6. Biar lebih afdol, jangan disajikan dalam mangkuk, makan saja langsung dari pancinya!.

**Bek tuwoe neu follow and Upvote Postingan saya beuh 😍😘** Follow me @ayunajjua Original Writing by @ayunajjua Garis.png
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Thank You For Visiting By @ayunajjua


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