Super Easy And Yummy Dessert: Low Carb Peanut Butter Balls

Quarantine Cravings
I have been carbo-loading the past two months, making matters worse because I have been sitting idle most of the time. Exercise has taken the back seat. I don't even want to step on the scale. The mirror already tells me. 😢 Arrghh, what's wrong with me?!
While most people are doing their "quarantine workouts", here I am, spending most of my time in the kitchen cooking and eating (with fam, of course).
I used to have impeccable discipline when it comes to fasting and food, but that has taken a downturn recently. Adding insult to the injury, my sweet tooth has been overly active and demanding too.
Insert Low Carb Dessert
These days, almost every after meal, I look for something sweet to eat. Chocolate in particular. Last time I went, I purposely diverted myself from the confectionery aisle at the grocery and now I almost regret that especially this time when going outside is tough.
So it is time to make my own chocolate dessert.
Dark Chocolate Coated Peanut Butter Balls
- 2 tbsp 100% Pure Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
- 2 tbsp melted unsalted butter
- 10g steviana sweetener
- Chunky peanut butter
- In a bowl, mix together the cocoa powder, sweetener and butter until smooth.
- Make small balls of peanut butter and roll on the chocolate mixture.
- Chill until firm.
- Enjoy!

I was even able to make some dark chocolate "bars"! Hmmm, If only I have a chocolate mould, then I will definitely make more of these next time.
Even my kids liked them! I thought they will not eat it, as it tastes a little bit on the bitter side.
If there's a will, there's a way.
A little creativity and resourcefulness can go a long way. Like, satisfy our cravings!
Use whatever is already there in your pantry, and you'll never know what you may be able to create. No need to be fancy. Now is not the time to be fancy.
What about you, have you been challenged by your cravings this quarantine time?
I would love to hear from you.