@arfah 🍲 [Happy Cooking : Vegetable Soup Tofu] - Bilingual

in #food7 years ago


Hi Steemians.
How are you? Hopefully always in good condition.

Today I cook soup, the soup use tofu.
Anyone ever tried? If not, let's try using a recipe from me. Hope you guys like it.


Vegetables Soup Tofu

Ingredients :

  • 3 pieces of white tofu, diced-diced
  • 3 medium-sized carrots, cut into pieces
  • 3 medium-sized potatoes, diced
  • Sali enough white, cut into pieces
  • 1 spring onion, cut into pieces
  • 2 stalks basil leaves, take the leaves
  • Pepper powder, to taste
  • 800 ml of water
  • Salt to taste
  • Fried onion to taste

Ground spices :

  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 2 pieces of red onion

How to make :

  1. Prepare a pan of water, cook to boil along with spices.
  2. Then enter the carrots, and the potatoes. Cook until soft.
  3. Enter the tofu, mustard, spring onion, salt and pepper powder.
  4. Correct the flavor, cook until the vegetables are cooked.
  5. Turn off the stove. Then enter the basil leaves, stir and then lift and serve with a sprinkling of fried onions.



Hai Steemians.
Apa kabar? Mudah-mudahan selalu dalam keadaan baik.

Hari ini saya masak kuah sop, yaitu sop pakai tahu.
Ada yang pernah mencoba? Jika belum, mari di coba dengan menggunakan resep dari saya. Semoga kalian menyukainya.


Sayur Sop Tahu

Bahan-bahan :

  • 3 buah tahu putih, potong-potong dadu
  • 3 buah wortel ukuran sedang, potong-potong
  • 3 buah kentang ukuran sedang, potong-potong dadu
  • Sawi putih secukupnya, potong-potong
  • 1 batang daun bawang, potong-potong
  • 2 batang daun kemangi, ambil daunnya
  • Lada bubuk, sesuai selera
  • 800 ml air
  • Garam secukupnya
  • Bawang goreng secukupnya

Bumbu Halus :

  • 3 siung bawang putih
    *2 buah bawang merah

Cara Membuat :

  1. Siapkan panci berisi air, masak hingga mendidih beserta bumbu halus.
  2. Kemudian masukkan wortel, dan kentang. Masak hingga lunak.
  3. Masukkan tahu, sawi, daun bawang, garam dan lada bubuk.
  4. Koreksi rasa, masak hingga sayur matang.
  5. Matikan kompor. Lalu masukkan daun kemangi, aduk-aduk kemudian angkat dan sajikan dengan taburan bawang goreng.


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