Sweet Potato Ranks Number One In Nutrition. Let's See Sweet Potato Buns Recipe! [FRUITS AND VEGGIES MONDAY]

in #food5 years ago (edited)

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Sweet potatoes are less popular compared to potatoes. Because of this unpopularity, many think that the nutritional content of Sweet potatoes is no better than potatoes. What about the facts?

Let's talk about the facts of nutrition in Sweet Potatoes before we look at the process of making Sweet Potato Buns from my kitchen.



The Reason of The Sweet Potato Took First Place in Nutrition

Sweet Potatoes are a good source of protein, calcium, and vitamin E. Sweet potatoes are also high in terms of the content of beta-carotene, vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Fiber, thiamine, niacin, potassium, and copper.

Is the nutrient content able to beat other types of vegetables? Let's refer to The Center for Science in The Public Interest (CPSI) data, Washington D.C.'s

The sweet potato outscored the next highest vegetable by more than 100 points compared to other vegetables, namely sweet potato won 184 points. Points were given for content of dietary fiber, naturally occurring sugars, and complex carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins A and C, iron, and calcium. Points were deducted for fat content (especially saturated fat), sodium, cholesterol, added refined sugars, and caffeine. The higher the score, the more nutritious the food will be.

Look at some of the following vegetable scores based on CPSI ranking:

  • Sweet potato baked: 184
  • Potato, baked: 83
  • Spinach: 76
  • Kale: 55
  • Mixed Vegetables: 52
  • Broccoli: 52
  • Winter Squash, baked: 44
  • Brussels Sprouts: 37
  • Cabbage, raw: 34
  • Green Peas: 33
  • Carrot: 30
  • Okra: 30
  • Corn on the cob: 27
  • Tomato: 27
  • Green Pepper: 26
  • Cauliflower: 25
  • Artichokes: 24
  • Romaine Lettuce: 24


Sweet potato is a great choice for diabetics because it contains a lower glycemic index than potatoes


The sweet taste in sweet potatoes is not a problem for diabetics. Although it has a sweet taste, sweet potato contains a lower glycemic index compared to potatoes. Baked Sweet potatoes have a glycemic index of 19, while baked white potatoes have a glycemic value of 29.

Sweet potatoes are clean winners in the low glycemic index, and also in terms of maximizing nutrient levels. The sweet potato digests slowly, causing a gradual rise in blood sugar so you feel satisfied longer.


Some Good Reasons to Choose Sweet Potatoes on the vegan list

  • Sweet potatoes have no fat which also makes them great for those who are wasting their weight. Sweet potatoes keep you full for longer and will give you all the essential nutrients. This is because of the content of low carbohydrate and high fiber content.
  • Nutrition in sweet potatoes beats the nutrition of other favorite vegetables such as spinach and broccoli. Sweet potato ranks first as the most nutritious vegetable.
  • Sweet potatoes are known as "The Great Relaxation Minerals", magnesium can help with blood sugar management, blood pressure, and metabolism.

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In Indonesian society, sweet potato is often used as a side dish and the main ingredient in making cakes. This time I will share with you how to make "Sweet Potato Buns".

At first glance, the appearance of Sweet Potato Buns that I made is similar to cake. That's because I deliberately did not make it in the form of a bun to make it more practical when doing steaming.


Ingredients for Making Sweet Potato Buns


  • 110 grams of sweet potatoes. Here I use orange sweet potato. You can use any type of sweet potato to suit your taste, you can also use purple sweet potato with an attractive color.
  • 2 tablespoons of fast action yeast
  • 25 grams of sugar
  • 300 g flour purpose
  • 200 grams of water


Instructions for Making Sweet Potato Buns

  • Peel and clean the sweet potatoes. Then steam the sweet potatoes.
  • While we are steaming sweet potatoes, make yeast mixture. Mix 100 grams of water with yeast and tablespoons of sugar. Cover it, and leave it for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes you will see bubbles on the yeast mixture.



  • Mashed the steamed sweet potatoes.




  • After the steamed sweet potatoes are mashed, then mix with 100 grams of water. Stir well. Then add sugar and yeast mixture.


  • Slowly, mix the sweet potato mixture into the flour. Then mix until it forms a good dough.


  • Leave the dough for ten minutes, and don't forget to heat the steamer.


  • For the record, you can shape the dough according to your taste like round bread in general. But if you want to be more practical, you can do it like I use a cake pan.
  • Steam the dough for about 30 minutes.
  • Lift the steamed buns.
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  • Serve Sweet Potato Buns at coffee time or tea time with your loved ones.



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Sweet potatoes are indeed a good choice for delicious nutritious dishes. Especially for the Indonesian Society, it is very easy to find sweet potatoes at low prices.

Indonesian people also usually use sweet potatoes to be made as side dishes that have a spicy taste.


Hope you like my recipe. It's good for you to reconsider the choice between potatoes or sweet potatoes for your snack.


Thank you to creator @vegansofsteemit @lenasveganliving and host fruits and veggies Monday @plantstoplanks It's great that there is a vegan ecosystem in Steemit to further spread awareness of consumption of fruits and vegetables.




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A Content Writer and A Social Media Manager From Indonesia

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Looks very delicious. I would eat a few.

Hello, @anggreklestari. This is a very interesting review. Fun fact: I did not really know the big difference between Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes. I mean, it is kind of confusing. I appreciate your detailed review and analysis. It was indeed very helpful. I look forward to seeing more reviews like this from you.


RealityHubs Mod

Yeah, actually, sweet pototoes really different with pototoes. Just the same name at first word.

Thank you for stopping by.

Great, I will try this at home!
Thanks for sharing:)

I love sweet potatoes, as a child , my mom would slice them and springkle sugar and then deep fry, hmmm delish.. It´s true it´s full of nutrients

Deep fry method so delicious, but you can try to steam them and springkle with coconut or sugar

Absolutely lovely and informative post @anggreklestari, your presentation is really great too!

delicious, I like sweet potatoes, thanks for the inspiration!

Hope you can try this recipe one day. Thanks for reading my post. 🍹🍹🍹

Hello, let's bulid stem and share each other. Done follow to you.


Love sweet potatoes! A truly underrated tuber. It's also packed with a ton of Vitamin A... Love your mix of content, health information, and then practical uses.

Great post!

Sweet potatoes are great veggie on our kitchen :)

Thank you for stopping by.


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