Why Don’t We Like Eating Healthy?

in #food8 years ago (edited)

Maybe not all the people I know, but definitely the majority, start grimacing when I mention healthy diet.

I don’t blame them: I was like that too and my way to understanding and embracing healthy eating was long and hard.

Whenever I thought I had weight issues, I started looking for the right diet. The funny thing is I can’t say they never helped me: I really did lose my extra kilos.

But as soon as I went back to my normal lifestyle, they (the extra kilos, I mean) came back to me too.

IMAGE CREDIT = own picture

So recently I started thinking about why we resist every thought of healthy diet? Why do we always have to go to extremes to realize that healthy eating is what we really need?

I think that habit is the main reason why we oppose the very idea of eating healthy.

Just try and remember what your grandma and your mom were cooking for you, what you always enjoyed the most and what was traditional in your family. Eating traditions and eating habits die hard.


Fried food, starchy food and, above all, sweets (that’s right; all those pies, cakes and cookies).

We got used to all this ever since we were kids and just can’t imagine our lives without them… and then, at some point in our lives we suddenly learn that we can’t eat all that every day!

The very idea is shocking and outrageous. Besides, life is too short to waste it on diets, right?


But the thing is healthy eating is not about some temporary dietary regimen. It’s healthy, balanced everyday diet that includes a huge range of foods (and delicious foods, too!).

It’s a lifestyle, not a punishment you inflict on yourself for that extra weight.


I can almost hear you say “But I still will have to deny myself all the tastiest things!”

Actually, you won’t. You still can treat yourself to a piece of your favorite cake or a steak you love so much. Just don’t eat too much.

And if you mean things like soda and chips — yes, that’s what you will have to forget about, because it’s not food, it’s useless junk.


Your body doesn’t get any wholesome nutrients out of it; there are only chemical and calories that turn into fat on your hips and belly in the twinkle of an eye.

Just think about it: are health issues and obesity worth sticking to your old habits and staying in your comfort zone?

The fact that you got used to the everyday diet that you have now doesn’t mean it’s right. Eating culture is what you really need.

Don’t wait until your doctor says you have liver issues or
heart issues — just start changing your unhealthy habits now, even if it’s step by step.

If you are still not familiar with what healthy diet really means, start learning about it now.



Great and important article, and I would also like to add some things. As a kid growing up, I was a sugar addict, so I have experience of that, though I have never been obese.

Understand that the manipulators who make vast profits from sugar have a lot of studies they spend a fortune on. For example, there is parts of our brain that light up when we eat natural sugars, and this corresponds in part with why many animals, insects, including humans will seek out fruits, because they are good for you. So what the sugar-pushers do is exploit this and substitute THEIR products which are far from healthy. And these despicable immoral profiteers target the children also. You cannot get lower than that.

How many people will eg have natural fruit and then pile on sugar, and/or ice cream (which is really mostly sugar). it is insanity, because there is nothing more wonderful than the subtle tastes of different fruits, and yet people want to drown them in anti-nutrient sugars.

It is ironic that in the more ancient past the 'peasant diet' in Europe would have been mostly organic, whilst is was mainly the ruling class es who chose 'refined' foods and therefore many had rotten teeth etc. NOW it has totally reversed. It is mainly those on high inclines who can afford organic foods, whilst the 'working class' are pushed McDonalds MCcrap food and drink, and 'cool celebs' push it too on TV etc. So it is thought to be really uncool to eat healthy diets IF you can even afford to because it is more expensive.

Thank you for reading and valuable comment.

Julianoneill, you are right about the sugar and how it is affecting the brain. The "addicted" brain plays a huge role in changing your bad eating habits into a healthy eating habit for life.

Good article!

^^^ this is my favourite photo here ;D

I'm jusk kidding, man ;D

Maybe it is the sugar and fat in bad foods that have addictive effects. Odly enough, when I go on a health spree and try to eat something like McDonalds afterwards I will feel sick from it.

If your food had a heartbeat, cook it (cook eggs too)
If it didn't have a heartbeat....eat it raw. (cooking releases the starch in veggies...same as sugar)

I would do it the other way round. Traditional societies studied by Weston A Price ate a lot of their animal foods raw. Whereas they usually cooked the plant foods to make them easier to digest.
Of course, both your statement and mine are oversimplistic, and both will have exceptions.

Raw meat, bird and even fish, has the potential for too many parasites. Cooking kills them. You never know what critters have eaten if they are free range. (ever own a dog? ewwww)." Cooking the plant foods to make them more digestible" is exactly what I do NOT want to do if I'm on a diet. The idea is to get the satisfaction of eating, but not get any (much) food value from doing so.

So does freezing. You can freeze them for two weeks, then defrost and eat raw.
But surely you want the nutrient value from the plant foods? If you are eating, lets say kale, the calorie value is low anyway. Raw kale is hard to digest, full of oxalic acid which prevents mineral absorption and let's face it is downright nasty. But cooked kale, maybe in a soup, is both more palatable and more nutrient dense.

You could be right but cooking is easier than freezing...lower tech. Better for the planet, less ozone and it's hypoallergenic.

The problem is TOO MUCH not too little.

Cooking breaks down the cellular structure off cellulose and makes it possible for the thingamabob gland to turn indigestible plants into digestible sugar...(I skipped a few steps and didn't use the right names..but you get the idea)....consequently the thingamabob gland is in full military overdrive for your whole LIFE....until you develope Type II diabetes...and die.

Yes, I agree TOO MUCH if we're talking about calories. But TOO LITTLE in terms of nutrients. What I call "Overfed and Undernourished". Anyway, let's agree to differ - the truth is probably somewhere in the middle.

Good Post! I nominated you for project curie! :)

Oh.. Thanks . It should be last chance to my post ))

The protein paste I consume through a tube is very healthy.

Good points and a great read!

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