Recipe Tilapia Fish with Coconut Fermentation (Kuah Pliek U Ikan Mujair) Bilingual

in #food6 years ago



Hello steemians, how are you all friends tonight? Hope to stay healthy and happy always.

Glad I can go back to greet all steemians friends on platform that we are proud of this after a few days off from steemit because of the extraordinary busyness to celebrate Idul Fitri celebration.

On this occasion I also want to share recipes as I used to do here for all my friends, the recipe Tilapia Fish with Coconut Fermentation.

Has a steemians friend ever tasted it? If not, must try friend, delicious taste which is in menu Tilapia fish with Coconut fermentation this will make your appetite increase and more excited to enjoy it.

Would a steemians friend want to try it? This is the recipe of Tilapia Fish with Coconut Fermentation is tasty and delicious.

Ingredients the needed

  • 1 kg of Tilapia fish that has been cleaned.


  • salt to taste.
  • 1 tablespoon lime juice.
  • 1liter thick coconut milk.


  • 6 pieces of lime leaf in a rough cut.
  • 200 gr Coconut fermentation.


  • 7 pieces of green chili pepper two parts.
  • 5 curry leaves.
  • 2 stalks lemongrass in crush.

Ingredients the Mashed

  • 20 pieces of cayenne pepper.
  • 10 pieces of red pepper.
  • 5 cloves of red onions
  • 2 cloves of garlic.
  • 1 tablespoon coriander.
  • 1 teaspoon cumin.
  • 1 segment of turmeric.
  • 1 segment of ginger.
  • 5 fruit bilimbi that has been dried


How ​​to cook

  • Give lime juice and salt to the cleaned fish.
  • then soak coconut fermentation with hot water for 10 minutes, then puree coconut fermentation and strain with coconut milk into a skillet that already contains fish and spices that have been mashed.


  • then put lemongrass, curry leaves and green chillies into the skillet.


  • then cook until the gravy shrinks and the fish is cooked.



  • if the fish is well-cooked, lift and immediately serve with white rice


How friend? Easy and very simple way of making it is not it? And it certainly tastes very savory and very tasty, so please try for friends who like to cook the Tilapia Fish with Coconut Fermentation, good luck and also taste better and delicious.

Up here first, may be useful and thank you for friends who have visited, see you again in the next post.



Hello steemians, bagaimana kabar sahabat semua malam ini? Semoga tetap sehat dan bahagia selalu.

Senangnya saya bisa kembali menyapa sahabat steemians semua di platform yang kita banggakan ini setelah beberapa hari libur dari steemit di karena kesibukan yang luar biasa menyambut Hari Raya Idul Fitri.

Pada kesempatan kali ini saya juga ingin berbagi resep masakan seperti yang biasa saya lakukan disini untuk sahabat semua, yaitu resep Kuah Pliek U Ikan Mujair.

Apakah sahabat steemians sudah pernah mencicipinya? Jika belum, harus di coba ne sahabat, rasa lezat yang terdapat dalam menu Kuah Pliek U Ikan Mujair ini akan membuat selera makan anda bertambah dan semakin bersemangat untuk menikmatinya.

Apakah sahabat steemians mau mencobanya? Inilah resep Kuah Pliek U Ikan Mujair yang gurih dan lezat.

Bahan Yang Dibutuhkan

  • 1 kg Ikan Mujair yang sudah dibersihkan.


  • garam secukupnya.
  • 1 sendok makan air perasan jeruk nipis.
  • 1liter santan kental.


  • 6 lembar daun jeruk di potong kasar.
  • 200 gr pliek u.


  • 7 buah cabe hijau potong dua bagian.
  • 5 lembar daun kari.
  • 2 batang serai di geprek.

Bahan yang Dihaluskan.

  • 20 buah cabe rawit.
  • 10 buah cabe merah.
  • 5 siung bawang merah.
  • 2 siung bawang putih.
  • 1 sendok makan ketumbar.
  • 1 sendok teh jintan.
  • 1 ruas kunyit.
  • 1 ruas jahe.
  • 5 buah belimbing wuluh yang sudah dikeringkan (asam sunti).


Cara Memasak

  • berikan air perasan jeruk nipis dan garam pada ikan yang sudah dibersihkan.
  • lalu rendam Pliek U dengan air panas selama 10 menit, setelah itu haluskan pliek u dan saring bersama santan kedalam wajan yang sudah berisi ikan dan bumbu yang sudah dihaluskan.


  • lalu masukkan serai, daun kari dan cabe hijau kedalam wajan tersebut.


  • lalu masak sampai kuah menyusut dan ikan matang.



  • jika dirasa sudah cukup matang, angkat dan segera sajikan bersama nasi putih.


Bagaimana sahabat? Mudah dan sangat sederhana cara membuatnya bukan? Dan yang pasti rasanya sangat lezat dan gurih banget, jadi silahkan dicoba bagi sahabat yang suka dengan masakan Kuah Pliek U Ikan Mujair ini, semoga berhasil dan rasanya juga lebih enak dan lezat.

Sampai disini dulu, semoga bermanfaat dan terima kasih bagi sahabat yang telah berkunjung, sampai jumpa lagi di posting selanjutnya.


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Emmm, hawa. Hiks..

Yok sini kak kita makan bareng..

wow ... I often eat tilapia with the recipe of Coconut Fermentation, but if my mamak cook is not as easy as you explain. but it does not matter what's important you've been willing to share knowledge with the steemians

thank you very much for visiting, I am glad to hear it, nice to meet you..

sudah mulai aktif bikin postingan lagi nih... siip dah :)

Hehe, iya mas @happyphoenix, kemarin sibuk banget lebaran..

Sumpah...enak banget ikan mujair dimasak gini😱

Ya benar banget, bikin selera makan terus bertambah..

Ikut nyoblos nggak @ami hehe

Di Aceh ga ada PILKADA mas @icuz..

Ouwh gak ad to, kirain ada @ami hehe

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