Foobee App With More Benefit and Feature

Hello guys today I want to present a new project with a more features and great innovation there offering more features and do you know guys we can connect to crypto with all people in the world and also use high that's comfortable and lets to present Foobee
What is Foobee ?
Guys to know firstly Foobee is a unique platform and the ecosystem on the platform really well and we can build the interaction and also transaction and make more connections with more people in the world with Foobee Apps
and we can also get more feature like Swipe to earn and social dating so that make comfortable to all user on the platform and then Foobee first the market platform powered by e-commerce with use Foobee tokens purchasing power , to all user can able to buy a good services or product or something that make happy because all user on the platform also can refer more people to become on the platform and we can get benefit to earn FBE tokens by making more activities.@foobeeapp #foobeeapp #SwipeToEarn #crypto #SocialDating #PolygonNetwork #BinanceSmartChain #Binance #PancakeSwap #Bitcoin @cryptocurrency #blockchain

guys Foobee Apps is cool and we should to know there has a good mission this platform is different, they have a mission to gain more users for become to the community and make a more interaction with a new style and also make a good connection user with others with a good ecosystem and also with a social interaction we get earning , Foobee Apps is friendly apps and all people the world is able to access, All interaction and transaction all user on the platform is controlled so that makes all well and all user can also build own networks with all community , and ecosystem on the platform is well .
Lets to know How to Foobee Apps work
🔗 Firstly you need to create a Profile
🔗 And then after you already completed a profile you can create a new wallet
🔗 Now you can swipe and also earn crypto that really excited
🔗 And if you already have FBE Tokens you can buy a good , services, or something on the platforms.
Feature of Foobee that's unique why ? because on the platform all interaction user is a priority and they have a time in interaction and foobee apps give a appreciate , for all user and use FBE tokens can subscribe and also used for buy offering and we also introduce all people the world with cryptocurrency ecosystem , also we can also get earning Foobee Tokens by making more activities like a shared interest , and then all activities monitored and controlling on the platform .
lets to know Feature Foobee 1.0
Foobee 1.0 have a more feature likes foobees robust and then social meetup also dating with a good ecosystem , foobee 1.0 make a good priority to all user on the platform with the shared activities also their interest and do you know guys Foobee also have a crypto wallet and at the moment still unavailable in United Stated and also territories .

Upcoming Foobee 2.0
With a more add a more feature likes a deals and discounts from the partnered with Foobe Tokens and then also all user can get awarded when user buy succesfully with mechants or vendors on the platforms and also commission discounts , and we also earn Foobee Tokens from a buy good or something on the platform when succesful that make a comfortable .
Detail Tokenomics of Foobe Token
Foobee Token based on Polygon Smartchain
ERC-20, Total Supply of Foobee Token 1 Billion for Unreleased 50% , and then Founder and Team 40.1% , Outstanding Shares is 9.9% , Paired Foobee Token ETH , BTC ,VET ,XLM , USD ,LTC , BUSD , XRP , ADA.
Detail of Team Foobee
- Wassim Mahmoud , creativity and enthusiasm of towards media and special effects
- John Ki , Chief Legal Officer of Foobee
- Sasha Perea as the third member and assisted with the creative direction of Foobee
- Shaun Bernard , essential to the growth and also innovation of the Foobe Token
Advisor :
- Mrinal Sharma , blockchain architect
- Nikhil Patel , Logical thinker
- Ashwin Jumani , Multi-talented professional works on both web and mobile apps
- Pratik Shah , experience in IT industry , leveraging skills competencies towards mobile application and influence development process life cycle
- Kamlesh Arya, Professional Blockchain Developer
- Muhammad Umar Faisal , Crypto Entusiast
- Muhammad Irfan , Enthusiast, and Marketing experience
More Detail of Foobee
- Website :
- Whitepaper :
- Ann Thread :
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- Youtobe :
by sidik7
bitcointalk profile link :;u=980109
Polygon Address : 0x278dbFa617B7834f36A95d46fA989B6096737532