RE: 125 followers ! how many of you will read this? Please give me a comment.
Hey @jesse2you Nice and honest little post.
I can symphasize with the plight of trying to format a post, painfully navigating the editor back and forth betweeeen edit and preview.
I am not sure which OS platform you are on, but there is a much smoother way of creating a post, formatting it nicely and with considerable less time and effort than the native Steemit editor.
I am using MacDown, which is an offline markdown editor, open source. Written for MAC. However, there are good alternatives out there for Linux and Windows users, and it is well worth looking into.
On the ADHD side, it helps me to tune out by tuning into some music, noise cancelling headphones and all - which results in concentration levels that my old prof would think be impossible for me to achieve. Sometimes I utilize binaural, and my music almost always is 432 Hz frequency. Makes a different to my well being. I wrote a brief article on frequencies, and my feed is not v big, so you can easily find it if you're interested.
Anyway - Followed.
ch @globocop
PS:// An occasional resteem is perfectly fine. But if my feed would get clogged with dozens of it, i'd unfollow or mute that user.
Thank you!
very nice response.
I am using libre5.3.3, but I am more of an outdoors ,country boy,and that's my main problem no computer :-)
so it is a steep hill,not a curve....but w/ the ADD,I add my own curve S :-)
as for binaural beats and freq. you are spot on! ... everything is energy and vibration! try checking into radionics, freq. sound & vibration healing. You can not get a book here in the USA,but you can order them from over seas..
Yes - fully on board with frequencies. Thanks for the pointers. Need to check on radionics. 📻
Here is my article...
ch @globocop