How to get followers on steemit
Well, its kinda obvious question that how to get followers for making easy money on steemit platform.Not just on steemit in any social networking platform everyone is now seeking for more followers. If you have many followers then you can make easy money like a snap. Okay, then get into an older networking site suppose Instagram. If you have a great profile you can promote affiliated products even other profiles and make money and moreover, this can make you famous which is sweeter than getting money.
So, How to get followers?
Tip1: Follow other people of your interest
Means, follow people from your heart. Don't follow people just expecting to follow back from them and then unfollow them. That thing will never work at least nowadays because they can also think like you and unfollow you.
Tip2: Interaction
Interact with people. Text them, comment on their posts, of course, a valuable comment doesn't spam on their post ask for following. If you interact people will notice you and if they like your content they will follow you and that follower you never gonna lose they will be like a fan of you.
So, Hope you will try this and even if you get a single follower or a like or interaction on your post just give me a comment or vote. I will appreciate it.
Anyways love you guys.