Write Weekly Goals to Improve Focus

in #focus6 years ago (edited)

Before you know it, the Monday is here again. The weekend was short, as always. Now you need to slowly start the week. That is if you work on your own terms. Otherwise you do not have any other choice than to get up early and go to work. 

In any case, it is important to generally know what you want to achieve this week. 

Writing down your goals on the Monday morning gets you focused for the whole week.

It works for me to not write too specific goals. For example, if you say: 'I will train for minimal 60 minutes each morning' and you have to skip one, you would not be successful at achieving the goal. If you make the goal a bit more generic, for example something like 'I will train every day', you have a better change to make it happen. If you did 10 pushups one morning and a more important priority comes up, you would still did what you aimed for. 

It is very important to aim for realistic goals, because if you are not able to check them off, you will slowly compromise your self esteem. 

You will never know exactly what will happen at any moment in time. You need to keep that into account when writing down goals.

When you are out of focus or bored, looking your general weekly goals will make new tasks pop in your mind. These tasks make the bigger goals happen step by step in the long term. 

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