Lying B%$&ard of a Dentist!!

in #fluoride7 years ago

It has been a long while since I have wanted to punch another person in the face. I sit here typing this with an Adrenalin come down that makes it difficult to type. My days of Black-eyes and fat-lips are well behind me and this feeling just brings back bad memories. I am old enough to know now that violence is the answer of a fool. The line that people must not cross, has being gradually rubbed away with age, maturity and self-education.

Today, however, my daughter's Dentist managed to re-affirm some level of clarity, as to exactly where the line was drawn.

Screenshot-2018-1-8 dentist - Google Search.png

So my daughter and I have just returned from her regular check-up, with the local Dentist. As per usual, there was nothing to report and my daughter was very pleased at the news she would no longer require braces. He did offer to carry out the expensive and drastic procedure, "If you feel you would like it done"....WTF! Did he just ask us if we would like to go ahead with an unnecessary operation?

This may sound a little over-protective but I have reason to doubt the level of knowledge this 'Dentist' posseses.

On our last visit I asked the same Dentist, if there were any alternatives to Fluoride toothpaste. I have read enough evidence to make me suspicious of the real reason we use this, man-made, product. I was then suprised to hear that the Dentist knew of no other types of toothpaste that didn't contain fluoride. He did however, remember to chant the FDA mantra of, "Fluoride has been proven to be beneficial to enamel".

A very misleading comment, indeed.

After this disconcerting exchange I decided to make sure this guy knew what he was doing...

Screenshot-2018-1-8 dumb dentist - Google Search.png

I then asked the, university-qualified, Dentist. "So if I can not avoid fluoridated toothpaste and then we have to factor in the fluoride in our drinking water, could you tell me the safe levels of fluoride, allowed in the human body?"

(Dentist) "Errrmm. I am not sure"

The guy was looking at me as if I had just asked him to order me a Pizza, with extra noodles. Are we living in LaLa-Land? Am I going mad? A Dentist, who doesn't know the safe levels of fluoride and he look's at me like I'M crazy?!

Sorry Jack, that just won't do and now you are on my radar. My daughter is my world and it is my duty to keep her safe from harm.

So that was then and today was the day that I hoped we were appointed a different surgeon, one who at least knew the basics. Obviously, I wouldn't be writing this if we had been so lucky.

I managed to pull my best poker-face as the door opened to reveal Mr Smith MD. I even managed to find forgiveness and hesitantly give this man another chance.

Like Groundhog-day, I sat quietly while the assistant noted down the codes dictated to her by her superior. As I sat there, half hypnotized by the mystical effects of a white coat, I heard the phase, "OK, they all seem fine". After this the dentist appeared to to just be tinkering and for a moment I took my eye off-the-ball. A moment after this, the dentist and I both shared a 'moment'. He remembered our last encounter and I could see it in his eyes. He looked like a child caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

But what was he up to?

As I came to my senses and focused on the Nurse, squirting a blob of paste onto a dull point held by the dentist, we caught each others eye and after the a fore mentioned recollection had happened, he blurted out what can only be described as a BLATANT LIE.

If I hadn't have had 'previous' with him, I believe he would have applied this mystery paste without my consent, never mind informed consent. This did not seem professional and he knew this too.

(Dentist) "Is it OK to just apply some Tooth-paste?"

As I am blighted with, British, politeness and the notion that everybody cares, I gave him my consent, after all he did say it was only toothpaste...

As I watched him apply a paste that had the consistency, NOT, like toothpaste at all, the tension began to grow. He knew what he was doing and I did too, but still I bit my lip and began trying to process what might be happening. It was all done in a flash and then my worse fears were confirmed.

(Dentist) - "OK, so don't eat or drink anything for the next 30 minutes"


(Me) - "Well that's not toothpaste then, is it?"

At this point everybody could sense a shift in my mood.

(Me) - "Is that concentrated fluoride?" I said this with a glare only a father could produce.

(Dentist) - "Erm, Er.....Yes, but it has been proven to ..."

(Me) - "Yes I have heard all that before, can she wash this stuff out, please?"

(Dentist) - " Yes, yes just wash it out over the basin, sorry about that"

(Me) - " you told me it was toothpaste?!"

(Dentist) - "Err, do you want me to put in in her notes so this doesn't happen at the next appointment, we apply this at every check up"

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This was the moment I almost turned green. How I managed to walk out of there, without opening a can of the proverbial 'Whoop-ass', is anyone guess and I really could have done some damage with all the shiny tools on offer.

In fact, now the Adrenalin comedown has gone and my mind thinks clearly again, I see what a missed opportunity that was. I mean who doesn't want to punch a dentist? They traumatised me as a kid so I have never been fond of them. A swift kicking may serve more purposes than one :)

Again there will be a few, who still think that I am being over-protective. But I have good reasons to be concerned about what I would refer to, as project to poison the poor and unaware.

This cunning plan creates future revenues, the likes of which can be generated from a life-time of delayed side effects, most fatal. Fluoride has been proven to be harmful and the reason I was on the defensive straight away, is because recently I keep reading about things like this...

Screenshot-2018-1-8 Fluoride in the water Too much of a good thing .png
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More importantly though, it is the fact that other countries are also seeing what I am seeing and have begun to listen to facts and take a small step in the right direction.

Screenshot-2018-1-8 U S Lowers Recommended Fluoride Levels in Drinking Water.png
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After I informed the Dentist of my disapproval towards his conduct, my daughter and I left the room. I raised my concerns with the surgery manager and the most re-assuring thing she could say, was that the paste does not get absorbed through the enamel of the teeth...

And what about saliva? You fucking dumb-nuts!! (Obviously, I didn't say this out-load). I walked away at the point where she told me that the FDA have no bad intentions and wouldn't want to hurt a fly...

Well isn't that just the biggest load of Bollocks? Before I left, with a promise to bring her up-to-date with her industry, I reminded her that the industries governing body, that she puts so much faith in, have had to be dragged, kicking and screaming through the courts, just to get this far!!

Yes well you trust those shady fuckers all you want but I will be watching my daughters dentist, like a Hawk, from now on. I suggest you do the same.

Maybe just start with the simple question I did and remember to check before yourself as it could well have changed again.

Please wake up to national poisoning, through synthetic fluoridation.

The Dentist is a successful business, like every other one around today. Every person who has this concentrated fluoride treatment is then liable to be charged for the product. You didn't think it was free, did you? If you are wealthy and can afford to 'go private' they would have to ask you if you wanted the service, otherwise folk might not pay. But for those who are on the NHS register, the less said the better(for business), it was. Most patients believe they are getting something good for nothing, but we all know that the NHS is on it's knee's, so why would they allow this 'blank-check' to exist? Like I was saying the quicker the better and the less people know about the poisons we ingest, the better it is too. The gov get to waste more tax money, creating the endless need for more taxes, the 'Paste' company earn a packet from selling their product to the surgery and worst of all the Dentist is offered a nice juicy commission for pushing the paste on unsuspecting victims.

Victims who may later develop any one of these illnesses...

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Screenshot-2018-1-8 Inadequate or excess fluoride(1).png
Screenshot-2018-1-8 Inadequate or excess fluoride(2).png
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Written by Rebel Dan.

Source of pictures -

Minion hulk -

kid in dentist chair -

dumb dentist -


That's pretty terrible of the dentist to deliberately deceive you like this, at the expense of your daughter's health. There seems to be a big fight ahead before this toxic practice is ended. Thanks for sharing your story, it's good to know people are standing up against the status quo.

There's a lawsuit against the EPA using provisions in the Toxic Substances Control Act which may provide an end to public water Fluoridation. So far all attempts to have the case dismissed by the EPA have failed.

Please read about it and spread the word. Fluoridation must end! This is a very important case regarding ending fluoridation.

Sorry for the late reply and thanks for the insightful comment. Yes this situation left me physically moved and very angry. I will be watching very closely in future and it will be check-ups only. This world is very sick at the minute. Thank you too for spreading the word. Peace.

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