Spring has Sprung in Colorado Springs!

in #flowers6 years ago (edited)

I don’t know what the weather is like in your neck of the woods but out here in Colorado it has started to turn beautiful and springtime has always been my favorite time of the year here. Weather in Colorado Springs where I live can be crazy to say the least and early spring snow is still a realistic possibility. This fact always gets in my head on when to plant my flowers in the front of my house so that they don’t die before the summer even gets started. This year and most years I plant them on Mother’s Day weekend and I’m usually safe.
In a couple weeks over the Memorial Day Weekend, my area of town hosts the longest running street fair in Southern Colorado. Territory Days is a popular spot to be around here if your not out on the lake somewhere. My place looks so blah with no color in the flower pots so I always try and give them two weeks before the festival starts to grow up a little.
This is what a $60.00 box of flowers looks like. I kinda feel like I get ripped off when I buy flowers because 60 sounds like a lot but I guess it did take a business a little bit of work to get them to this point. Spring has Sprung in Colorado!


My favorite season is here and the beautiful sunsets . Nice beer and a great scene . It was a rainy day in NYC and will be raining for the next 1 week . Sort of jealous of where you are :P

I spent a year in Colorado Springs and it was one of the best years of my life; power walking in Garden of the Gods, mule deer in peoples yards, picture window view of a snow-capped Pikes Peak. Maybe I should go back!

I live about 2 miles from m where this picture was taken.

@broncnutz off topic question. Do you have any interest in being a witness? Want to start voting and think you would be a great person to have some feedback into the system.

I am not even going to be a witness. I don’t have the tech skills required to really help us all out.

Yeah,spring is a great seasson.It's the king of all seassons.I love spring the most.

You have a real spring. We had a 95 degree day here today. I actually enjoyed it because the bugs aren't out as much yet. Enjoy your day.

Nice! The weather in Seattle’s been nice too. Spring is here Cheers!

In india spring season has been gone and now summer season here.

The weather is turning beautiful in here too. We see a lot of greenery around and flowers blooming.I believe in process. I believe in four seasons. I believe that winter's tough, but spring's coming. I believe that there's a growing season. And I think that you realize that in life, you grow. You get better. Great pictures and gorgeous flowers you have got there. Enjoy the spring

You know flower keep the atmosphere fresh with their fragnance,
You are doing great job that you are decorating front of your house so that when you got our or got in you got chance to see these beautiful plant to get some freshness!

takes a lot of time/work to present this and is appreciated

yeah, hardwork should be appreciated

Ahh!That awesome,the colorful flowers are amazing

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