The Beauty of Kembang Sepatu
About Kembang Sepatu
Kembang sepatu or Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is originating from East Asia and is widely grown as an ornamental plant in the tropics and subtropics. Flowers from various cultivars and hybrids can be either a single flower (a layered crown) or a double flower (layered crown) that is white to yellow, orange to deep red or pink.
In general, plant height about 2 to 5 meters. In the tropics or greenhouses of flowering plants throughout the year, while in the subtropical regions flowering from summer to autumn. Spherical leaves are wide or narrow oval with a pointed leaf tip.
The pistillum extends outward from the base of the flower. Flowers can bloom facing up, down, or side-facing. Generally, plants are sterile and produce no fruit. Plants multiply by cuttings, transplants, and pasting. Flower shaped like trumpet with a diameter about 6 cm to 20 cm.
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