Things That Matter #1 Your Water is Poisoned

in #flouride7 years ago (edited)

Inspired by the enormus amount of missinformation and lies covering some well know and highly documented problems I start this series of blogs where I'll try to unveal the iron curtain of your eyes and open you up to a whole new world of information that was burried and hidden from you by the Propaganda Machine aka the mainstream media.

First topic of discussion for Things that matter series will be:

Water Flouridation


For any of you who still don't know the media is being controled by couple of big corporations.


Now when got that out of the way. You can shut your TV off forever and completely get rid of it as it proves no purpose other than to shape public opinions and manipulate them how they wish. To lie and decive and hide the truth for as long as possible. And to occupy your mind with unimportant things just to keep you "busy" not asking to many questions and not thinking about the real issues.

So let's break that spell today and talk about things that matter. A real issue that is ongoing for the past 70 years and it has slit past the eyes of the general population as the Propaganda Machine is doing it's best to spread lies and burry every single research or scientific paper or opinion that negates narative.

Flouride is toxic and causes major health issues and could result in death if consumed in high doses.

There has been many research done over the past 60 years about the dangers of flouride but those that state harmful effects of flouride have been hidden from plain sight.

While hiding the truth the Propaganda Machine is bombarding us with research they paid to be produced that states that flouride in low amounts prevents cavities from forming. That's an obvious lie but to understand the whole situation we need to go back in time 70 years because that's about the time when it all started.

Everything started around 1935

When Francis Frary the director of the aluminum laboratory for the Aluminum Company of America became increasingly concerned about the major polution around companies aluminum plants and about what the flouride is doing to their workers and the health risks they are facing because they are exposed to the toxic chemical.

Mr Frary contacted Gerald Cox

- a researcher of the Melon Instutute of Industrial research and told him to look at flourides suposed dental effects so that they can get rid of their toxic waste by throwing it in our water supply.

When talking about the Melon Institute an important fact is that they were the leading defenders of asbestos for the asbestos industry.

They also stated that Mesothelioma is caused by something else than asbestos but years later when the shroud of miss information was revealed we know that asbestos is the main cause of Mesothelioma or as we know it today azbestos cancer but at that time it was profitable for them to cover it up because the asbestos industries were paying them big money to do so.

Now when you know the credibility of the Melon Institute you could probably guess what happened after Frary from ACA contacted mr. Cox from the institute....

If you can't connect the dots this is what Cox stated in his report in 1939:

The present trent toward complete removal of flouride from water and food may need some reversal.

This report and many other false "scientific research's" that were paid by big industries that were producing the toxis floride waste lead to the situation we are in today. Where more than 70% of the water in America is artificially flouridated because it's much cheaper to throw it in the water supply than to dispose it in a safe manner.

One of many false reports was made by the

Kettering Laboratories in their research on "benefits" of water flouridation . Which was basically a research funded by the National Institute of Dental Research and all the big flouride producers at the time to provide research on how flouride in low doses prevents cavities formation. So that they can push it in the mainstream media and make it a fact that flouride is safe and good for your teeth.

The other main pusher and defender of water flouridation at that time was Dr Harold Hodge - who stated countless times that low doses of flouride prevent cavaties formation and are not toxic or harmful in any way. He was a toxicologist for the Manhatan Project -> which produced the first nuclear bombs.

Why would a leading toxicologist at Manhatan Project defend water Flouridation

Because flouride is a biproduct when creating atomic bombs. So Mr Hodge was in charge of shaping public opinion on the situation. Because the quicker they could make the public believe flouride is good for them the quicker they can get rid of it.

Dr Harold Hodge was also conducting experiments on unsuspecting people injecting them with doses of Uranium and Plutonium.

When the victims found out that they were basically lab rats for mr Hodge:

The US government settled with the victims' families, paying $400,000 per family. Seven victims were injected with material smuggled into a hospital secretly through a tunnel. One unmarried, white 24-year-old woman was injected with 584 micrograms of uranium; another 61-year-old man was injected with 70 micrograms per kilogram of uranium. Hodge also arranged for Dr. Sweet to inject 11 terminally-ill patients with uranium for their brain tumors; however, these subjects may have known they were being tested

Read more here

If you can't see through this bullshit than I'm feeling sorry for you. I mean how stupid can we be to let this pass. There has been countless research done on the dangers of flouridated water and being exposed to it but they always get thrown away or burried deep so we cant find them. And the general population just buys into their lies without questioning it for a second or trying to do your own research about it.... Damn.

Just look at the:

Hallowen Air Polution Incident

It happened in 1948 in Donora Pennsylvania because of polution comming from Steel plants near by and a specific meteorologic event which caused all the toxins to build up and fall to the ground killing 17 and injuring more that 7000 people. A researcher and a chemist Philip Stadler did some research on the vegetation in the city and found an unusally high level of flouride. So he concluded that it was the flouride that killed and injured all those people.
He went on to publish his findings in the Chemical and engineering news but was demanted by

Public Health Agency which stated that

Flouride wasn't responsible but it was the mixture of pollutants and bad weather that caused the incident.


Sadly enough even 10 years after the incident, mortality rates in Donora were significantly higher than those in other communities nearby but people still believe the mainstream narrative of the event....

If that isn't enough to cause suspicion I don't know what is so I'll just throw this at you:

Airborn flouride has caused more worldwide damage to domestic animals than any other air pollutant.

US Department of Agriculture, 1970

Flouride was responsible for more damage claims against industries than all 20 other nationally monitored pollutants combined.

 Dr. Edward Gorth, senior scientist, Consumer Union

And if that isn't enough I urge you to read all about the health risks of water flouridation on your own because this post is already getting to long:

Dangers of Flouride Exposure

Dr. Edward Group

50 reasons to oppose flouride

Health risks

Some of the major health risks of water flouridation are that it is:

  • Toxic to the Thyroid
  • Calcifies the Pineal Gland
  • Harmful to Male and Female Fertility
  • Bad for Kidney Health
  • Harmful to the Cardiovascular System
  • Negative Cognitive Effects
  • Weakens Skeletal Health
  • Fluoride may cause bone cancer

Other issues with water flouridation

  • The dose cannot be controlled
  • The fluoride goes to everyone regardless of age, health or vulnerability
  • People now receive fluoride from many other sources besides water
  • Fluoride accumulates in the body
  • Fluoridation’s role in the decline of tooth decay is in serious doubt
  • Tooth decay is high in low-income communities that have been fluoridated for years
  • Fluoride may lower IQ -> perfect for their dumbing down of the population plan
  • The chemicals used to fluoridate water are not pharmaceutical grade -> because they are toxic waste and a biproduct in producing aluminium, steel, pesticides and herbicides

Read more in the above mentioned articles.

Yet again people believe their lie that flouride protects your teeth from cavities when it has been proven otherwise many times before

You have to understand that it's just a lie to make it acceptable to flouridate the water. But there is no evidence supporting that clame. Only the opposite. As seen in this graph

Flouridation also causes

Dental Flourosis


Do you have it?

What causes dental Flourosis?


That's about everything I know about the topic and am leaving the rest on you to do your own research. It may be a bit hard because truth it's deliberately being put down and overwritten with false reports and paid researches. But if you have any common sense you will be able to see through the lies.

Couple of useful videos and articles you could watch/read:

The Toxic Truth About Fluoride and Its Health Dangers
Fluoride: How A Toxic Poison Ended Up In Our Water Supply
The Flouride Deception
Is Fluoride Dangerous? Natural Dentist Shocking Answer

What's your opinion on water flouridation? Were you aware of the dangers you are facing if drinking flouridated water? How do you protect yourself?


Stay informed and stay safe!


I can't speak to anything regarding fluoride info in the US, but here in NZ there are groups trying to get the message out about just how toxic it is, and trying to get it out of our tap water. Slow steps but hopefully gaining traction.
I've switched to a healthier, non-fluoridated toothpaste for my family, but whenever the kids have to visit the dental nurse or dentist there is a battle of sorts because they are conditioned to their truth, and I know what is my truth. Even if my kids have perfectly healthy teeth I am still subjected to dire comments on how bad their teeth will be without fluoride (not to mention the toxic fillings they use!).

The fluoride that goes into our drinking water is a by-product of the agricultural fertiliser industry. If the fluoride they used actually came from a natural source then it wouldn't be so bad - our bodies do need some flouride, but we can get that by choosing certain good, healthy, organic foods.

I try and tell people that the issue isn't so much the fluoride itself (although it is, really) but that we aren't given the choice. The general public, as long as they are fully informed of the pros and cons, should then be able to choose whether to still use such a chemical or not.

I fear the masses follow blindly ...

Great post topic, thank you for highlighting it. :)

Why cant you speak about it in the US? Yes dentists are blinded because they were thought lies by the industries that profit from this.
I'm glad there are informed people like you. You need to spread truth and speak to as many people you can because this is manslaughter. They could at one time just up the dose and literally kill us all. And most wouldn't know what's happening as doctors were thought differently.

We will never be given a choice as they control all sources of big money. And where there is big money there is big profit. And if making more profit means poisoning the population it's no problem for them as they don't give a fuck about us.

There are many more topics like this that I will write about. We have been lied to for far too long and most cant use their common sense to see past the lie but still they deserve the truth. And I will deliver it.

I only meant that I couldn't speak about fluoride in the US because I don't live there and have no experience of it there; I can only speak about my experiences in my country, although I do see bits and pieces of news from around the world sometimes and the problems people are having.

Most people, I have found, have so much trust in the system that they will never believe there is anything wrong, let alone seek to change it. They also readily believe the fear-mongering those in power are clever enough to use in order to keep people going in any direction they desire.

People are like that everywhere and I will never understand them. And you just can't get them to understand.No matter how many facts or evidences you provide they will still think of a stupid reason to negate the truth and follow the mainstream opinion.

I didn't remembered Dr Harold Hodge was part of this vile operation of injecting innocent with plutonium.

Awesome post! The fluoride deception is an awesome mini documentary. Most people have no idea about the many facts you shared.

Thanks! Yes, he is the madman that was the mastermind behind that operation. He had a job to test the dangers of radiation and he chose to do it on unsuspecting people.
Yes, I saw flouride deception it's full of valuable info and the guy that did it is just awesome.
I know, that's why I started this series hoping to open up their eyes because the deception that has been placed upon the population is so great, people can't see what's right in front of them.

@runicar I have long ago realized that information like this only reaches people ready to receive it. Getting them ready is the key and posts such as yours really help.

Trying to penetrate the brainstem of the rest is usually a fruitless exercise. Once I find out the mind is closed, I move on to the next person. Upvoted!


Exactly, the closed minded will stay close-minded and you cant make them understand. They need to realize it on their own and open up their mind to something other than then what the mainstream media is trying to make us believe.
I'll do my best to try and inform as many on such topics because they need to wake up from this bullshit and realize what's really going on. Thanks for the support!

OMG!! Great Post! I'm going to save it for later to read when I have a quiet moment, I'm also against the propoganda, people need to wake up to the depopulation of our species. You might be interested in this website on Youtube

, I've pasted some videos into my posts, check them out, progress may be slow now, but it won't take long for people to WAKE THE FUCK UP!!

Oops! Forgot to add I'm following. PEACE.

excelente post

I hate it... but it is true :(

Good work 😉

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