A message to Flotus _ dear Melania , so you want to save baron, let me help you... (melania=weinstein "wife"?)

in #flotus5 years ago

So to be clear I want the children of chelsea clinton feeded to their mother, and chelsea feeded to bill and hillary before assassinating both.

However, I don't hate baron, I like him. He seems to have never raped anyone and to be a kind gentle boy.

But you have to understand that his father has sided with the child rapists. why did he hired accosta? why didn't he jailed accosta and extracted all the data? why no one from the epstein connection is being arrested, forced vaccinations etc etc etc etc (engaging the Cartels)...

So my question is simple, if you had to assassinate donald to save baron would you?

This is where we are.

you do really believe we don't know, that he is fully implicated with the childrapists? otherwise ghislaine would be the most wanted person. but no.

I think that his file, when he raped the girl after epstein, is in the hands of the israelis. they use him for their bidding, aka fighting mankind (aka US and I hope you understand, we don't play with : FIGHT US, DIE)

trinity exploded the July 16, 1945, on the 16 octobre 1964 we had catch up this part, since then we have grown exponentially. Haven't you seen the military component of the recent celebration? what type of missiles did we forget? you see... round, square, hex, octo, what ever... imagine the rest? exactly...

but maybe you are like the "wife" of weinstein... you don't care about the others... that's what I almost believe...

if you want to be safe, divorce now.

we can't tolerate this behavior, we will never let the chinese children be threaten by anyone, from this earth or beyond.

as you have the opportunity to meet some "vets" the pets of the child rapists, ask them about their experiences in korea... understand that we have accomplished a lot since then...

who mastered the art of the black powder? who invented paper money? who mastered the arts of kung fu? what do the cadets read? only mr sun? hehehe...

but even they read, they don't understand it... having child rapists roaming behind the front lines... this is noobish.

being ruled by jews? lol... letting uss liberty?

while now they rape our daughters on their islands paid by fiat inflation?

anyway, I lose my time...

his name, baron TRUMP will leave in infamy...

leave before it's too late... for him.

and maybe to help you understand why I hate the clintons children, because of whom their mother is, the daughter of those who destroyed my american dream.

but in a sense, I have to be thank full to them... without them would I have been able to cross the conditionning against CCP? I don't know !

but now, I am at home...

how I will always be a foreigner in this life... and I don't expect less... but who knows what the future holds...

let me assure you, we kill childrapists, like you change clothes... effortlessly, even less...

we asked the greatest sacrifices, we lead among the most perilious time, and it's not jews or their servants that will oppose us, they are just gonna die before us.


fight us, die.

how long do you think before american troops wake up to their slavery and the soft kill program being implemented on them? what is flynn saying...

how long can a narrative fight reality?

we never fight reality, we embrasse it, become one with the flow we seek...

and raping children is outside of the flow...

and so came the time of revolution, but I prefer the word transition... on a fixed posture we can't stay, otherwise in the ground we will merge...

be a smart girl...

donald has been exposed... how many day 340? 339? what did he do on pedogate? 0. this corrupt admin occupying the usa will be removed and killed, by us or by the few american left, specially those in uniform...

remember Vladimir story... how from the cold banks or eternal sun (hehehe, so short) of the frozen city (hehe) came and won against those same people who now occupy the us....

and remember no money will bring your son back to life... at least we can't.

we don't fight death, we embrass it. have you heard of the grey armies of china? the retiree ready in a second to join PLA to fight the opponents of china? they are many, but have you heard of the young? because you think we will not fight? what do you believe girl?

we aren't like them, we don't see your "charm", we only see the enemy, and the enemy only has a body, that we know... how to remove life from it, we learned... kung fu isn't a sport... it's the art of war, the rest are just tools...

ask to see the traditional weapons of kung fu... prepare a few days at least... the list goes on... so from simple stone, to EW... the soul and the mind inside the body is the fundation. and that we know how to train...

and watch please...


note the difference with this one ?


if you asked about the critical part, here it :


so do you really think, I am joking saying : "FIGHT US, DIE" ? I still haven't found a way to express it ez to understand in less than 10 letter...

ahh? you think it was hard? watch :


I hope you will see how kind and gentle this message to the world is, but the underlying remains :


and to be clear we don't care if baron has to be CD. he ain't with us.

and when I say : FIGHT US, DIE ! i don't mean only those fighting US. where did they come from after this wave was return to earth ground...

will see if you are a smart girl, or just like the wife of weinstein... i bet it's the second case... just a bet, I would be happy to be proven wrong, but I don't expect much from "westernized female"... they all believe that their appearance is enough... ridicule... when all their beings reveal hate for others children... and even maybe their own.


don't forget, flotus is a thing...


You are right that Trump needs to stop tech cartels, geoengineering, Big Pharma, etc.


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