The disinformation about the alleged "Don't Say Gay" bill has hit the point where I need to be blunt.
The bill is restricted to K-3rd public schools and specifically refers to curriculum.
So, under that bill, if a kid asked his or her teacher, "What are you doing this weekend?" and the teacher said, "I'll spend the weekend with my girlfriend and taming her strange." that wouldn't fall outside of the legal protection of the law even though it should get the teacher fired.
If you go by the complete, literal letter of the law, a teacher casually mentioning that he's gonna pound his boyfriend's butt isn't prohibited under the law unless the teacher is placing that into the curriculum and testing the students on it.
That's how freaking innocuous this bill is.
I tutored for several years and, yeah, if I ever talked about my sex life to any of my students, I should have been fired. I never did because there's no damn reason to talk to a student about your sex life.