
That is NOT the earths's shadow. You can LITERALLY model moon phases with a ball on a stick and a good light source.

Now, lets see how the moon phases work on a flat earth.

PS. When you see the full moon, supermoon, lunar eclipse on the 31st, you can know that was predicted by the globe model down to the second. If you have a superior explanation for this precise prediction, I'd love to see it.

Screenshot (23).png

how is the moon reflecting light from the sun on the opposite side with the earth in the center fam, am i missing something here?, please enlighten me. but honestly..... more cgi and cartoons? and its not even 3d to give a proper visual of how this actually works. but your right about the shadow, but thats a globe earthers argument , hence why a flat earther made the even you globe earthers a sloppy.

That is not to scale. Try making it to scale. You do know there are like thousands of videos on this and you can just model it with a stick and a ball, right? Someone gave you a video directly above this comment. it literally explains it in that video above you.

Then lets see how that works on a flat earth! You are so disparaging of a model you simply have not even taken the most cursory glance at to understand, but you claim the earth is flat, but you can't explain this at all and that does not seem to bother you in the least! Why such a double standard? Doesn't your model have to at least have to have the same standards you demand from the globe? Or is the flat earth immune to all criticism?

this is 1/6 of the earth scale , have fun

So you can't use your big boy words to talk about the moon because you're wrong or don't understand it. So you change the subject. Pretty sure that is a form of Tourette's when you change the subject to "NASA LIES!!!!!" whenever someone tells you anything you don't like.


But you are not following your own advice!

lmao , being repetitive and redundant doesnt turn the earth into a ball fam

It already is a ball.. so...

Still no discussion of the moon. No ability to admit the model of the moon matches observed reality just fine, even though it does. OK.

That's not the moon's shadow!

You said this:


Will you take your own advice I wonder?

you have no reasoning bruh , thats what some of you globe earthers think lmao , you see the problem i tried to point out fam , because you where reading the dialog. there are retarded flat earthers just like retarded globe earthers , debating non sensical ideas that doesnt prove the SHAPE OF THE EARTH. we can see esclipes , moon and the sun , thats not in question bruh.

LOL. You asked how is that the earth's shadow. Well, it's NOT. You preach doing your research but you don't do your own. And then you said to not be mad if you can't handle the answers. Then you got mad when I gave you the answer.

You can do this with a stick and a ball and see how it works. It's super simple. I don't know why you think this is so complex.

oh right you completely miss my points , so you if thats your clang to fame , you can have that , that aint even what im mad at lmao , unless the earth is a human , holding the earth no a stick next to a light bulb , it needs to be 93 million miles away fam. lmao

a. You just put that up on the other thread. Do you have a tic that makes you post the same thing over and over on the same post?
b. Your Flat Earth Tourettes is showing. "NASA LIES" Or whatever your video is trying to say has nothing to do with the moon. It' like you are unable to discuss a single subject until you understand it!

Flat earthers just deny the workings of the globe model and then say, "I WON!!!" even though they completely misrepresent it, or just change the subject instead of seeking understanding of a model they reject because it's inconvenient for them to understand it, since it makes perfect sense once you do.

what ever bro , you and your cult buddy can believe in living on balls and blackholes and stuff, just because you attack my character it still doesnt prove the shape so , you can keep repeating yourself , its all good , bring more of your globetard cult following over here too lmao

Attack your character? By pointing out that you are avoiding the subject and putting up yoootoob videos repeatedly on the same post in order to not discuss the topic at hand.

But lets see, who's more likely to be in a cult:

  • 99.99999% of all of humanity who have 2000 years of observable facts behind them and, as @kerriknox pointed out, a comprehensive predictable model that will predict the lunar eclipse on January 31st


  • A fringe group of about 5000 people who can't even agree on a model, who switch topics constantly to avoid facts like the plague, and can't explain or predict anything we see in reality?

I know where my bets will be put.

PS. Ships over the horizon, horizon drop, going up in altitude and seeing further, the horizon, two pole stars, stellar parallax, moon phases, everyone seeing the same size and face of the moon, extreme predictability of natural events, eclipses, meteor showers, buildings hidden behind the horizon, alpenglow, sunrise, sunsets, seasons, 24 hour sun in the poles in opposite seasons, due west setting sun on the equinoxes.... these all DO prove the globe.

Have a great evening on your globe.

keep your opinions to your self bredda , if your to retarded too read , dont let a dumb flat earther explain things to you , how stupid are you?

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