The Globe Only Exists In The Mind

in #flatearth7 years ago

Mirrored from youtube-channel Harry Growler:

Research Trivium and Quadrivium - Classical Liberal Arts Education
Deprogram the mind of other mens ideas, wheat from the chaff.

Flat Earth as a term does not represent a model but represents free thinking and an on going investigation and understanding of where we are, who we are, what we are, when, how and why.

Scientifically unproven claims of the Globe enthymeme

  1. Bodies of water always displays level on surface. Indeed the very meaning of water is aqua, even, level surface.

  2. No proof that air pressure can exist without a container? Air pressure exerts force in all directions and requires container for pressure to exist.

  3. No proof whatsoever that 2 opposing pressure systems could exist side by side without physical barrier.

  4. No proof of axial rotation. We all experience a motionless earth and it would be an absurd appeal to authority fallacy to entertain the Foucault's pendulum as any form of evidence, especially as 100,000's of tower crane specialist operators would have evidence.

  5. No proof for the unseen force of gravity using the honourable and trusted scientific method.

  6. No measurable curvature (apart from a single globe bias soundly source which imho looked like it was the product of auto cad.)

▶️ DTube

...and flat earth doesn't exist anywhere lol You live in your delusions of free thinking, and I will live in confirmable reality thank you.

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  1. Earth's bodies of water are indeed mostly level, which in a spherical frame of reference means the surface is the same distance from the centre of the Earth wherever you are. But if you want to try to flatten the world with definitions and etymology, it bears mentioning that the latin for "level" is "libella".

  2. Air has weight, the pressure of air at ground level is from the weight of all the air above it. A gas that has weight can only expand until its internal pressure and its weight are in equilibrium. Even if you pretend gravity isn't real and why anything weighs anything is a complete mystery, there's still no reason to expect the atmosphere to fly off into space.

  3. What two opposing systems, what the hell are you talking about?

  4. Sure, yeah, there's no proof the Earth rotates except for all the proof you've decided doesn't count or isn't real. Or the evidence that you pretend has a better flat-Earther explanation than the real explanation.

  5. Same response as 4.

  6. Again, same response as 4.

And, weirdly, the actual linked video doesn't even mention any of those numbered points, it's got an even stupider argument, "these two numbers have a relationship with each other and add to something interesting, therefore Earth is fake". Like, at least denying evidence bears some resemblance to a logical argument, this is pathetic.