The Earth is Flat

Tell me, when you walk outside does it feel like the earth is spinning at 1,000 miles per hour.

When you look at the sun and see it setting amongst the clouds, does it really look like its 93,000,000 miles away?. Hec sometimes it appears that clouds are behind the sun.


When you look up at the moon at night. Does it look like it is 239,000 miles away? It's hard to believe when I can see it in such detail.


When you are at the beach and see a boat sailing off into the distance until it disappears, then look at it again through binoculars and it suddenly reappears. Why is that?

Or when a 150ft tall building is visible for 35 miles but the "curvature" is 490ft.

Or that planes fly in a straight line without constantly having to dip their nose to stop flying off into the stratosphere.


Or that planes take the same time to fly east to west or west to east on a "spinning globe"

Why can't I fly direct from Johannesburg South Africa to to Perth Australia without going via Dubai or Hong Kong or Malaysia?. I want to spend the least amount of time on a plane as possible and it adds 7 hours to the flight time.


Why can't I visit the antarctic? What are they hiding?




With all these satellites up in the sky why isn't there are a definitive picture of the earth from outer space that isn't photo shopped by NASA? Did you know that NASA in Hebrew means to deceive?


Why didn't they put a camera on the moon so they could take pictures of the earth?

I could go on but you get the idea. I have no scientific knowledge but I trust my eyes, ears, senses and intuition. Something dodgy is going on here.

Whether it be billions of dollars for NASA's budget or just a scientist's job. People will lie and deceive to protect themselves and their personal interests.I know the pharmaceutical industry does it constantly, so why not NASA?

The people that run this world are satanists and will do everything within their power to hide the truth from you.

Whether the earth is flat or a globe is not the most important issue facing us in the world today. Mass poverty, ongoing wars and the abortion atrocity are far more crucial but uncovering indoctrinated deception and lies is also fundamental to revealing God's truth.

I respect your opinion if you disagree with this blog and put your faith in the scientists. I prefer to put my faith in God and his words.


Regardless. I urge you to do your own research on this matter.

And if you don't believe me or God then at least put your faith in the President.


Until next time


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