Sasha Sparkel's Brilliant Flat Earth Rant
"Flat Earth is a sensible response to the blind-faith Scientism that has largely replaced science in our societies today. We are asked to have blind faith in tenets and dogmas handed down by high priests of Scientism, we're indoctrinated into blind-faith beliefs about our world that we have no means of establishing or verifying for ourselves (such as the existence of dark energy and dark matter, said to make up 97% of our universe, but that can't be seen or detected by us, or even by our "scientists" directly - they must use inference based on secondary effects of this conjectured dark matter and energy).
When we try to challenge or even just question some of this blind-faith Scientism we are ridiculed, mocked, bullied, and silenced. We're told we must believe that light, unobserved acts as a wave, but when its which-path-information is accessible to us, it suddenly behaves as particles, while also believing that consciousness is nothing more than an epiphenomenon of biological information-processing systems (our brains) that has no fundamental tangible reality or role. These are contradictory claims but we must accept them both as true or face becoming heretics and called "science-deniers".
We're told to believe that spacetime can and does bend in the presence of matter even if that matter is infinitely far away, but we're never told by what mechanism the constituent component of a conceptual notion (time) can be said to detect and respond to matter infinitely far away, or how it bends in accordance with space. It is demanded from us that we simply accept this tale as "fact", as "scientific fact", "scientific truth", when it's nothing of the sort.
And then, when we start to use our technology, and the increased scientific literacy the common person now has due to the democratization of science, and we discover that we can see farther than the globe allows for, that we can see a flat plane stretching out before us, contradicting the globe-model, gyroscopes don't show the expected drift required by the standard globe-model... we start to see the cracks, the failures in the globe-model that require us to reject it as a model of our world.
Top-tier physicists are doing the same, but they hide behind the label "simulation theory", to get away with denying our standard, enforced, indoctrinated, simplistic and wrong model of the world, without being opened up to the ridicule they happily heap on Flat Earthers, in order to distract attention from their own rejection of the standard model.
Yes, it's true that some FE-ers have embraced FE-theory for religious reasons. Others because it's easier to trust their senses than to understand complex models based on complex axioms, but their instincts are right, even if their means of reaching truth are unscientific. And the real truth they tend to inadvertently hide from people looking to find out who these "crazies" are that believe in Flat Earth, is that a LOT of people who embrace real science, as opposed to blind-faith religious scientism, who believe in pursuing the acquisition of knowledge from an unbiased perspective, without forgetting to question and challenge the underlying assumption upon which our interpretations of data are based, in which they are inextricably embedded, because they play such an enormous role in shaping the conclusions we're able to draw from raw data, a LOT of us are becoming globe-Earth rejectors, aka: Flat Earthers. 🌟