We Live on a Stationary, Flat Earth Inside a Solid Firmament – According to the Quran

in #flat-earth7 years ago

According to the Quran we are living on a flat, fixed, immovable, stationary earth inside the firmament of the sky.

Yeah, I know, it sounds mad – or will do if you haven't looked at flat earth in depth.

Here, I don't set out to convince you. I just lay out some Quranic verses on the earth and the sky. The Quran is clear: the earth is flat and the sky is a structure. If you don't like that, take it up with the Quran.


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And I will lead them astray.
And I will arouse desires in them.
And I will command them and they will cut the ears of cattle.
And I will command them and they will change the creation of God.
And whoso takes the shayṭān for ally instead of God:
He has suffered clear loss.
He promises them
And arouses desires in them
And the shayṭān promises them only deception. (4:199-120)

Who made the earth for you a carpet
And the sky a structure
And sent down from the sky water
Then brought forth thereby some fruits as provision for you.
So make not equals to God.
And you know. (2:22)

Those who repudiate our proofs and are proud towards them
For them the gates of the sky will not be opened
Nor will they enter the garden any more than a twisted rope can pass through the eye of a needle.
And thus we requite the evildoers. (7:40)

And we have set in the sky constellations
And made them fair for the beholders (15:16)

Or thou cause the sky to fall – as thou hast claimed – upon us in pieces (17:92)

And the day the sky with the clouds are rent asunder and the angels are sent down in succession (25:25)

So how will you be in prudent fear – if you deny – of a day which will make the children white-haired
Wherein the sky will crack open?
His promise will be fulfilled. (73:17-18)

And we made the sky a roof protected
And they are disinclined towards its proofs (21:32)

Blessed be he who has made in the sky constellations
And made therein a torch
And an illuminating moon. (25:61)

And you cannot escape in the earth or in the sky.
And you have besides God neither ally nor helper. (29:22)

Have they not considered what is at their time and what following them of the sky and the earth?
If we will we can make the earth swallow them
Or cause pieces of the sky to fall upon them.
In that is a proof for every repentant servant. (34:9)

He created the heavens without pillars you can see.
And he cast into the earth firm mountains lest it sway with you.
And he spread therein every sort of creature.
And we sent down water from the sky
And caused to grow therein every sort of noble kind.
This is the creation of God.
Then show me what those besides him have created.
The truth is: the wrongdoers are in obvious error. (31:10-11)

And we created not the sky and the earth and what is between them in vain.
That is the assumption of those who are indifferent to warning.
And woe to those who are indifferent to warning from the fire! (38:27)

God it is who made for you the earth a fixed lodging
And the sky a structure
And fashioned you
And made good your forms
And made provision of good things for you.
That is God
Your lord.
So blessed be God
The Lord of All Mankind. (40:64)

Have they not then looked at the sky above them
How we constructed it and made it fair?
And there are no gaps therein. (50:6)

By the sky possessing paths
You are in speech differing! (51:7-8)

The day the sky will be utterly shaken (52:9)

And the sky, he raised it (55:7)

And when the sky is rent asunder and becomes rosy like oil
Then which of the blessings of your lord will you repudiate? (55:37-38)

(And they ask thee about the mountains:
Say thou: My lord will scatter them utterly
And leave them a level plain
Wherein thou wilt see neither deviation nor bend.) (20:105-107)

Will they then not look at the camels
How they are created!
And at the sky
How it is raised!
And at the mountains
How they are erected!
And at the earth
How it is spread out! (88:17-20)

And when the writings are spread
And when the sky is removed
And when Hell is set ablaze
And when the garden is brought near
A soul will know what it brought. (81:10-14)

When the sky cracks
And when the stars scatter
And when the seas are poured out
And when the graves are strewn
A soul will know what it sent ahead and left behind. (82:1-5)

▶️ DTube

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