Helping others: Call to Help Flaminghelpers Christian Community.

in #flaminghelpers6 years ago (edited)

We can all help

"When you serve your neighbor, you yourself serve God for your own sake."

“You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love.” (Galatians 5:13)

Calling Christians bring the obligation and the privilege of lifelong service.

Jesus Christ said, "No one has greater love than this: to lay down his own life for his friends" (John 15:13). That does not mean we have to die to show love to our friends. We lay down our lives each time we put the needs of others in front of our own. (The "friend" mentioned in the aforementioned Scripture may be anyone we meet because Jesus has commanded us to "love one another.")

We waste our lives through service. Members of the Church have many opportunities for service. We can do the little acts of kindness for our neighbors, participate in public services, fulfill responsibility within our local congregation, or contribute to the great humanitarian efforts of the Church. These works, smaller or greater, give us a sense of happiness in joining our brothers and sisters and remind us that God often allows us to be responsive to one's prayer.

“If you insist on saving your life, you will lose it. Only those who throw away their lives for my sake and for the sake of the Good News will ever know what it means to really live.” (Mark 8:35, LB)

The purpose of helping others

The service allows us to do what Jesus would do. It connects us with those we serve and gives us the pleasure that our own interests can never provide.


One spouse in the neighborhood helped when they saw a single mother when she moved into the neighboring house. They spent the entire Saturday carrying boxes, cleaning the floor and entertaining her two children. When the job was over, the mother invited her new neighbors to dinner next week to show their gratitude. At first, they refused because it was clear to them that she did not have much, but insisted through tears in her eyes. The couple realized that the acceptance of her hospitality would further stimulate a sense of friendship and respect than their well-meaning decency might have.
We are taught as a Christian that because we have everything that comes from God, we should be willing to share all of this - from our assets and money to our time and talents - to help the needy (and it is important to remember that we all needed, in this way or the like). When we serve others, we always remind ourselves that nothing in this life lasts as long as the links we establish with other people, and there is no better way to connect with others than working together for our common good. God has the power to do his work, but it allows us to help us with that great feeling when we serve.

How can we help others?

The service is done in large and small ways, both public and private, for friends and strangers. Love should motivate service.

Think about someone who seems completely self-sufficient - someone who has a good job, a nice house and is generally happy. Can we still offer service to that person? Do we need it, even though they do not seem to need any help? The Gospel of Jesus Christ teaches us that everyone has the benefit of serving. The service is not just a fulfillment of the need, but also a manifestation of love for our brothers and sisters.

A person will be under strong pressure to be called a Christian without feeling a deep commitment and desire to serve his fellow men. Jesus Christ taught us to "kiss one another," while on the earth he also said, "If you have love for one another, then you will all know that you are my disciples" (John 13:35). The way we can show our love for God is to serve one another. Fortunately, the different modes of carrying each other have almost no limit. Think about your financial, emotional, physical, and spiritual help that we can provide to others. Think about your own talents. You may be good with numbers, you are very creative, do not be angry - it does not matter. Think about how much talent these can mean if you share them with someone who needs your special skills. Even the little things we do, like helping someone to garden or keeping the door, can make life a bit easier for someone else. We do not have to look far enough to find the ability to donate our energy. The beauty of following Christ's example is that we do not need to evaluate who, when and how we will serve, simply act. The service can be planned or spontaneous, for someone we know or for a stranger. The Christian ministry does not seek recognition, does not accept rewards, is her only motivation of love.

Call to Help Flaminghelpers Christian Community

Flaminghelpers need your help to grow and to be ale to help others on steemit and beyond. Your donation is not to big or too small. I will do something. Delegation to the community account is really welcome.
You can help in the server to bring in members together as well as invite other Christian brethren into the server. Let us love one another and share the Word of God.

Join our @flaminghelpers trail on Also support the community, auto-vote post published with 100% by adding it to your "Fan Base" on steemauto.

Stay Bless.

Author By @Seyiodus.
1st Photo by Tom Parsons on Unsplash
2nd photo from pixabay

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It obvious flaminghelpers is a vision that need to be nurtured. Patience is a key though.

You are right. Patience is the quality key to attain the best of the highest level. Thank you @praise-eu

"the way we can show love to God is to serve one another"- Very correct! The scripture says
"how can you say you love God whom you cannot see when you don't love your brother whom you can see"
Its high time we started living our lives to please God, Honour and respect him not just eye service. God bless @flamingbot community.

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