User Flags

in #flagging7 years ago (edited)

In 10 months of steemit. @aggroed has flagged 1 post. It was hate speech against gays. It incited violence. So, I flagged it.

Today, I'm sorry to say I have flagged a user heavily. @el-mago was flagged by steem cleaners for putting porn he didn't own nor cited onto a post. He was dinged by @steemcleaners for it. A member of Minnow Support flagged the post as well for spam and abuse. @el-mago proceeded to rage flag the MSP member in question. He did this to several people.

I asked @el-mago to remove the flags and explained that his behavior was against the very few community standards that are actively enforced by users. I asked multiple times. I received nothing but rudeness and crassness. While reviewing other interactions he was having on the block chain I noticed him insulting, using foul language pretty crassly at other people especially women, disrespecting women, and generally acting poorly.

After multiple warnings and even sharing that I would act on his behalf to remove several flags placed on his post he continued his current stance and threatened @aggroed. I have gone through and flagged his active posts on this account and @aggroed. I have voted on the MSP member's posts to undo the effect of his rage flags.

I am in a moral quandary about one other thing. @o0pepper0o is a camgirl style blogger that has a lot of nudes of herself and erotic/xxx material. It's outside the scope of MSP to upvote her content, but el-mago has been particularly rude to her in addition to flagging her active posts. I would encourage followers of this blog to upvote the active content on her blog (he flagged her resteems too).

He's new. I'm willing to remove all flags and leave him in peace if he removes his rage flags and stops using copyrighted material in his posts. Otherwise I plan to use this account to flag every post he ever makes until an apology is issued and the behavior is altered.


In this, I'm in complete agreement. While I am an ardent supporter of free speech (even that which is called hate speech) vendetta flagging is something else. It lessens the community as a whole, and seeks to silent those that disagree.

If I lothe what someone is saying, I'll argue a little too make sure that is what they're saying (misinterpretation causes a lot of enemies that otherwise could find common ground) and if I still don't want to hear their shit I'll mute them. Flagging should be kept as a punative measure reserved for those that would silence unpopular thoughts, corporate shills that take money to actively decieve us, and bots that drown out the conversations with noise. Clarification: there are a lot of good bots around. I'm not talking about those. Those bots are great.

This reply is already long, and branching into rant territory.

Tl;Dr: Vendetta flaggers hurt the community. I don't think anybody minds a life lesson/example being made here.

I'm following you and support you !!

Thanks man! I'll be getting back to actually posting before the end of the week.

Well put @jdc !! Couldn´t agree more.
Great insight :D

"Flagging should be kept as a punative measure reserved for those that would silence unpopular thoughts, corporate shills that take money to actively decieve us, and bots that drown out the conversations with noise"

, and flagrant plagiarism?

I am an ardent supporter of free speech . Its obvious FLAGGING is a slippery slope it will only to vendetta flagging and every effort to silence the speech of those who disagree. If this is steemit idea its a poor idea and the road people like me closing their accounts. if they start the censorship narrative, I see no future here.

Flagrant yes. Plagiarism can be a bit of a grey area though. Would you call DBZ Abridged plagiarism? Toei does, funimation doesn't. Legal definitions don't have any moral or community basis so we can't relay on those to serve us well here.
Before I include plagiarism, we would need some solid community guidelines on what constitutes flagrant plagiarism.

"Plagiarism can be a bit of a grey area though. Would you call DBZ Abridged plagiarism?"

See, this is why I'm so damn conflicted about all of this. So I'm going to pull a 180' and agree with what you're effectively saying here, and that is to maybe just leave ALL the stuff that has the potential to include grey areas out of flagging's purposes altogether.

Keep that blade's edge as sharp as possible...

That's a good way to put it.

A bit of scope focus gets much better rewards for the same amount of effort.

Plagiarism can be a bit of a grey area and I tend to frown on people who feel they have "intellectual property rights" over language or ideas . Its a slippery slope as well . I think some people are quick to attack anyone they disagree with flagging or hate speech and abusing any system intended to protect or provide justice. There will always be clever assholes to abuse any such system. I think we are better served by just leaving free speech alone. You don't have to agree but you have no right to silence anyone.

Good on you to take your time and make a post like this explaining your actions to better the Steemit community. You have my respect!

Thank you , respect is something I expect to have to earn. Unfortunately there are people who would love to beat you over the head with a bike lock and demand it . We surely are living a time of twilight Zone, safe space snowflakes cry babies are the most despicable abusing and retarded violent and confused people I have even had the misfortune of sharing a country with.

I'm following you and support you !!

I saw some of the posts and responses to others. Its not the type of community I want to be involved in so you have my support all the way. I am not sure who the user is, but the hate speech and way he speaks to other is not acceptable.

Its easy to call anything you disagree with hate speech although being a repulsive fag and flaunting your balls in the face of others you would have no problems with. Your the typical asshole who thinks life is a one way street. All speech is protected and if I'm expected to see 2 disgusting queers sucking each others face while I eat I and have to put up with it , I should be able to call you a disgusting queer without there being a problem . Or do you expect tolerance only when it suits you ?

Nice, you used my account for upvoting this post for your goals and no one from the minnowsupports never upvoted any of my posts inspite of promisses to do this.

Just nice.

the upvotes are done manually by you. You register and type $upvote URL.

it wasn't done manually.

Set up account on steemvoter with a rule to upvote minnowsupport is required for registration

I don't think you understand the upvoting system. Step in msp Discord chat tomorrow and I will walk you through it.

I'm new to this but my goals are not driven by money , I just want to take the ship from the degenerate pirated and turn our ship around . Money means nothing to me so don't worry I'm bullet proof and money does not matter to me. There is Nothing they can do to mob gank me, its on I'm bullet proof .

I'm following you and support you !!

I'm following you and support you !!

Sorry that this has happened. Plagiarizers can get pretty defensive when you confront them about why what they are doing is wrong.

Following @o0pepper0o to show my support. No one should have to put up with that.

Thanks for helping make Steemit awesome.

Right, I'm also following her for support. Only for support ;)

How is that "supporting" her in any way ?

Yo, don't shoot, it's called humor - look it up ;) Just kidding I'm a good guy, I'm supporting her for real.

Yeah was slow on that one.

Plagiarizers and hate speech ? are you guys retarded ? Get the fuck off my page you dumb twit.

Dude...I'm not on your page?

Very classy, @tipolj - spewing nonsense on a post you don't own, to a person you don't know, about something that isn't even accurate? "Your page" is not even in this zip code.

You can try bully shaming or intimidation on someone else , It wont work on me, I don't give a crap about you or you diluted support . you are just another regurgitating mindless parrot . Too many like you already. What we need is people willing to stand up to this filthy social depravity brainwashed and used to further the goals of group thuggury. Your under mind control come back when you control your own mind. I have been hearing your redirect for 30 yrs , just look where your ideas have brought us. We are at the edge of the abyss. The pendulum is swinging back to a NEW age. YOU are no longer in charge go away. I wont be duped by sheeple used by the ruling class to do their will. go away I don't need you until you unplug

Funny how you regard simple observations of truth as shaming and intimidation. Childhood is turning out to be pretty tough on you, huh?

And done. Upped all hers, Downed all his.

And now my power is uh... 23.36%, but oh well, it was for the children!

...and thanX for reducing MY Voting Power,
13¢ for You LOL

LOL, I upvoted your comment, despite being under 100%

It cost me right at 2% Voting Power.
I need to wait to upvote, so it does not go down
right away... I need info on how long to wait for
max effect on voting power.

oh lol :D

Allegedly it's 24 hours to 100% with no voting in the meantime, to slow it down recharging. HOWEVER, since HF19, people are reporting 24-36-never hours for full recharge. I have no hard data, only anecdotal comment hearsay.

My recharge rate was more like 36hrs but I could not refrain from a few upvotes.

Poor julianita, you really skewered "her" LMAO

Following you now, great profile!
I hope to go off grid someday. I am a professional electrician,
and actually working on a Tesla Generator, ver. 3.3 showed
Great Promise! :D

I call em like I see em! Welcome aboard! I'll return the favor, I need me some tesla juice!

we should not be afraid of flagging... i have flagged abunch of plagiarizing posts and i am this close to start flagging those spam-ididntreadyourpost-followme-comments...

plus... we really don't need crappy stolen internet nudes on steemit to begin with

I am an ardent supporter of free speech . Its obvious FLAGGING is a slippery slope it will only to vendetta flagging and every effort to silence the speech of those who disagree. If this is steemit idea its a poor idea and the road people like me closing their accounts. if they start the censorship narrative, I see no future here.

Free Speech is critical to a fair society... 100% agreed

Flagging can be a slippery slope, creates drama and will be abused... agreed.

Is that steemits idea of flagging? certainly not!

We do need tools to counteract abuse and plagiarizm. In the end the flag is "just" a downvote.

And as such not only flagging, but voting in general will and can be abused, any tool can be abused, even a hammer.

If you have a better idea about how to deal with copy-cats and spammers i'd like to hear it!

I agree with you 100% . Its exactly what's happening everywhere. The mob rule is using our own laws and democracy to bully everyone who disagrees with their endless power reach. LOVE speech doesn't need protection , its that witch offends you that must be said and has to be protected . The point of free speech is to show BOTH SIDEs of the coin NOT JUST the side that YOU support . So many university students and they learn nothing.

Free Speech is critical to a fair society... 100% agreed
Flagging can be a slippery slope, creates drama and will be abused... agreed. you are 100% CORRECT

I'm following you and support you !!

Well, "crappy" is like your opinion.

Based on your profile and your wallet, I am suspect of your defense or attempts to spin here. "@julianita" and I suspect you may know our guy better than you admit.

Not everyone here is gullible.
Nice porn collection you got on your feed. Looks familiar to a certain rage flaggers collection, eh?

Coincidental you both have latin names as well. Serendipity.

Suspect all you want.

Obvious trolls are obvious. Rich or not, like IGAF about money. I got plenty offline from here. I'm here to enjoy quality people and art and writing and community, not shithead porn copyright thieves, so have a nice day. Go watch your posts and play alone.

What's IGAF ?

Look it up, genius.

What does that even mean "go play alone", Why don't you STFU if you have nothing relevant to say.

no, if it comes to stolen images and unoriginal content... "crappy" is not just my opinion but an implicit attribute!

Most crypto anarchists debate the merits of copyrights. Curious what brought you here.

my enthusiasm for cryptocurrencies and all things blockchain brought me here.

I am not a great fan of copyright-laws, but I do believe in originality.

and blatantly copying stuff just to post it here without any original input... it just doesn't add any value and shouldn't be rewarded...

but what are you arguing about here anyways?! Do you think it's legit to be rewarded for something that didn't take effort and was simply copy-pasted?

Do you think it's legit to be rewarded for something that didn't take effort and was simply copy-pasted?

It's not black and white, there is "some" work associated to copy pasting content, part of the work is selecting the content itself. If you look at my history you can see that posts which are "legit" original content get rewarded way more. For example I would rank and reward in order ...

  1. Content I enjoyed
  2. Content I think the community would enjoy
  3. Good content
  4. Good content I enjoyed
  5. Good content I think the community would enjoy
    ...##. Good, original, exclusive, content that I enjoyed, that I think the community would enjoy. Ect

Add to that reward my perceived amount of work and skill required to bring that content to Steem. And you'll find that I was pretty generous to give 20-30$ per posts to @o0pepper0o porn pics (before all that drama) and trans-genders posting poor quality (and IMO poor taste) content but that is "original".

Just so happens this morning (my time) that I was also flagged and @aggroed came to my rescue. All opinions are tolerated on Steemit but being malicious just goes too far!

Thanks for standing up , I never doubted you would be there

good morning @minnowsupport may I ask is the minnowsupport gone or i am kicked at discord? i cannot see it now. i know i didn't do anything wrong though.

Man, this highlights the improper use of the flagging system. It should not be used to abuse people in the way it was or out of spite. Good for you taking the actions you did.

Thank YOU , Tyrants never take your power they trick you into giving it to them. I believe in humanity and I believe people like you and me will always STAND, why ? Its what we were born to do...STAND !!! No matter how many bullies there are I will always STAND , and show no FEAR ! I will not be manipulated or bully shamed or any other type of attack. And yes I will always defend the weak powerless people in their radar, I will help them STAND and Find their Balls and their Voice. I stand For Personal Freedom, equability and fare play. Forcing filth down my throat and brainwashing or cry bullying wont work here. THANK YOU for Standing with me, I believe in YOU .

I'm following you and support you !!

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