Someone in Steemit does not understand the difference in plagarism and giving credit for work done by others.

in #flag6 years ago (edited)

Someone in Steemit does not understand the difference in plagarizm and giving credit for work done by others. Who ever is flagging for plagiarism needs to understand what that word means. The definition in Webster's dictionary is as follows:

Plagiarize: 1. To steal and use (the ideas or writings of another) as one's own. 2. To take passages or ideas from and use them as one's own.

Whoever is going around shutting down or hiding blogs needs to get up to speed on what plagiarism means.

This ignorance really ticks me off. Or, maybe they are wanting to shut down blogs they don't agree with. Who ever is monitoring these flags needs to get on the ball.

This is a problem with Steemit in that there is no one to discuss this with. This indiscriminate flagging is a blatant failure of the Steemit system.


from what I have heard, some butt hurt person , made a crap ton of accounts to down vote people, some pretending to be accounts like abuserreports and other accounts who flag spammers, scammers etc so maybe you are one of their targetd

And just FYI, the said butt hurt person is also on under the following known alias:

In fact, they decided to broadcast that they disabled the recent troll account. This person is THAT sad and/or delusional.

I would just laugh it off. They are not worth your time.

Camillesteemer is the one who was down voted me a hundred times

She is the sole reason I looked at that Eric's reply and just crossed off Steemthat. Then, they decided o rebrand it into that terrible name.

Like...why StiSHIT? Sigh...

I did nothing to her and she down voted the sh*t out of my posts, I mean why target someone who did nothing to you? Makes no damn sense.

She did get you to consider to leave Steemit. So, that's how that troll operates.

She goofed up her chance here, instead of changing her behavior, she wants to make it miserable for everyone else.

It takes all kinds to make the world a worse place than it already is. The mark of an educated person is one who makes things better than they found them. It is easy to make life worse but it takes some effort to improve life for the world around you. Thank you.

so its on her, instead of learning from her mistakes, she takes it out on people who did nothing to her. Matter of fact, I don't KNOW her. This is school all over again with people hating me when I did nothing to them

Don't let the hater get you down.

I'm sure that there are many people who like and care about you. Forget about this spammer person.

@enforcer48 you were flagged by a worthless gang of trolls, so, I gave you an upvote to counteract it! Enjoy!!

Thank you.

@enforcer48 you were flagged by a worthless gang of trolls, so, I gave you an upvote to counteract it! Enjoy!!

Thank you.

I think that this flag spammer person has an issue with the current Pope Francis and his thoughtful and uplifting prayer which I copied and to which I credited him as his prayer and not my prayer. That is not plagiarism. Some of the posts I have encountered in Steemit make no sense while others are terrific. Thank you.

If this nonsense continues I will be departing Steemit and not making further contributions.

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