Five Nuggets from Uncle Faust (Episode 9)

in #fivenuggets7 years ago


Five nuggets is a series inspired by an accidental collision with a similar project by Tim Ferris, author of The 4 Hour Work Week and Tools for Titans. In this weekly series, I share five things which caught my interest this week through my wanderings, web surfing, researching and time spent on Steemit.

Without further ado, five nuggets which caught my attention this week:

Scientists Have Made the First ‘Unhackable’ Quantum Call

Science fiction has very abruptly become science reality as the very first quantum call was made between the Chinese Academy of Science and the Austrian Academy of Science earlier this month.

It's so secure that anyone even attempting to infiltrate the communication without authorization will be uncovered. As Johannes Handsteiner from the Austrian Academy of Sciences explained, "If somebody attempts to intercept the photons exchanged between the satellite and the ground station and to measure their polarization, the quantum state of the photons will be changed by this measurement attempt, immediately exposing the hackers."

A Brave New World is now upon us.

Steemit Featured Post: Selling your Crypto/Steem will haunt you forever! Take this advise from a Crypto OG

A fellow Steemit user from Colorado, @brocnutz shares his own experience with dumping cryptos way too soon and why it is everyone should hold some crypto. I think everyone who has been in the space for some time can relate and has a story to share.

What Huygens Saw on Titan

On October 15, 1997, the Cassini orbiter was launched into space for 19-year mission to explore Saturn and its constellation of moons. During this time, the Huygens probe was attached to Cassini and was scheduled to be dropped on the surface of Titan.

In January 2015, the Huygens probe was ejected from Cassini and landed on the surface of one of Titan. The total descent time was roughly 2.5 hours. In this incredible clip, we have the opportunity to see this descent and touchdown of the probe. It gives us a glimpse of the atmosphere and the surface of Titan.

Andrew Davidson Corporate Gibberish Generator

We have entered into the age of the cliché. In some ways, it seems Corporate America has been so busy creating catchy slogans intentionally devoid of any meaning for branding campaigns and politicians, it has become embedded in the culture. Corporate speak is, in many ways its own language, and a pox upon humanity. In the age of documents ad-nauseum and a deficit of meaning, how does one compete?

Andrew Davidson understood that challenge and stepped up to create a Corporate Gibberish Generator. Need a Whitepaper? No problem. Just drop in the company name or product name, and the generator instantly spits out a whitepaper devoid of any meaning and loaded with Corporate Speak.

Why Uber is a Scam – Math Explains

The age of the side hustle has been ushered into the lexicon of modern society courtesy of Uber’s ride-sharing application. Ride-sharing has been touted as a tool which can empower people to earn extra cash with their own side hustle, and a low barrier of entry. However, more recently a chorus of naysayers has been growing and maintains Uber is, in fact, a scam.

In this video, the hostess uses basic math to test if driving for Uber makes sense from a profitability standpoint. The results are pretty shocking. It turns out after Uber takes its cut, and all the hidden costs associated with ride-sharing are factored in (depreciation, fuel, etc.), a person driving for Uber actually makes substantially less than minimum wage.

That concludes my #fivenuggets for this week’s episode. Take care my Steemitland friends and until next time…

If You Enjoyed This Edition of Five Nuggets, Check Out Some Previous Editions


About the crypt interesting. I read about it all the time, and every time something new :)

@dlina-v-metrah the phone call from China to Austria was one of the most amazing things.

Some really interesting information! I don't use uber myself, or know anyone who drive for Uber, but I'm not at all surprised that they take advantage of everyone involved.

Interesting points to chew on here, friend.

That stuff about Uber is alarming and also not surprising to me.

What fascinating times we're living in!

I enjoyed reading your post. There is a lot of good stuff.

i enjoyed it alot! thank you :)

Hello uncle faust, this is uncle Vishal :) here from Mumbai India was very active few months ago , planning to be active again :)
I see you're discovering really nice stories to cover it on your blog.

Wow....Five Nuggets episode # 09
I realy like your story...and wonderful post
Wel done and perfect work @lpfaust

amigo #resteemia at your service

fantastic weekly summary of interesting topics. excellent work @lpfaust

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