Five Facts About Me(Expose Yourself Challenge, Nominated by @Mobbs)

in #fivefacts7 years ago (edited)

Hey @mobbs! I accepted the challenge! This is fun! ^_^

Know Me Better

It is my pleasure to tell a story about me, to the steemians that don't know me, here's your chance to explore this blog and know me better!


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I'm Afraid of Airplanes

My family/relatives used to go in different country for work or to visit the other part of the family. Everytime they tell story about their travel, the first thing they say is "Oh my God the airplane really scares me!"(ever since i'm 6years old)

So, I grew up terrified of the airplanes, although, my friends always invite me to travel even just inside the Philippines but have to ride an airplane. I always say "not gonna happen!"

I am 22 years old now and still no idea how it feels like when you are riding an airplane.
My 2 sibling(brothers) love airplanes. They both studied and graduated in The Philippine State College of Aeronautics or PhilSCA.

So yeah, i am ignorant when it comes to airplanes.

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The main reason is, when I was 11years old, I saw a private plane that crashed very near from me! It could crash at our house too because it is really near! It was a traumatic and unforgettable experience.

Facts About Me When I was in School

I didn't study in University(college) due to financial and family problem but I really like to continue my study. I wanted to learn History of Art, Architecture and Designs because I really like Arts just like most of my siblings.

I am the top 1 in our school from Elementary to High School. I only graduated high school so it is hard for me to find a good job here in Philippines.

I received rewards(medals) from being the top 1 in school, from joining different extra curricular activities like Poster Making Contest, sports like Badminton and Volleyball, and choir.

I got Gold, Silver and Bronze medals from joining the Academic Contest in different schools from all over the country. It is a long questionare with different subject that i had to answer. I chose History, Filipino, Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health, Writing and Spelling Bee.

Hm... Too much effort i put into that. I didn't had a chance to play because my Mom is very strict.
She disciplined me and i felt like im adult.

But I was silly too, i cutclass twice with my classmates but that was the days when i know we don't have anything to do in school. I was just so dependent because i only do learn learn learn.... No play nor have fun with friends...

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Ps. There will be a School students reunion coming. Alumni Home Coming of our batch this March 10 2018.
I am shy to show up because I am nothing now. I didn't even finish my study. Maybe i will show up when I get rich haha.

My Unnoticable Skin Hair

My friends get so jealous of my skin everytime they notice it. I have very few unnoticable skin hairs that makes my skin almost flawless but.....
they don't know the bad effect of it.
I always need water, a shower is a relief.
I need a cold place or i'll get very grumpy when it's super hot.

And because I get grumpy, i say stupid things that shouldn't have to be said.
Our airconditioner makes our electric bill high so no need to get jealous of it. ^^

Image is me. I took it on Christmas day.

My First Sip of Alcohol Drink and Foundout I am Allergic

The first time I drink alcoholic beverage is when I was 15 years old with my high school classmates haha. I know at that age in America is illegal to drink any alcohol. But this was a birthday celebration of one of my classmate and her name is Gracia. She invited me to go at her house to celebrate her birthday after school.

I was forced!

I was forced to drink Empirador Lights with Pineapple Juice!
And that is the first time that i found out that I am allergic. I got this big bumps looking like insect bites all over my body and had heartburn.
It was very traumatic! They almost bring me to the hospital.

The funny part is when I went back home....
My mom was waiting me, standing by the front door of our house. She asked me where I've been and I said that I was just made a school project at my classmate's house.

She was looking very mad and said, "I see, so, did u drink alcohol?"
I said "No! Why would i drink alcohol?
Her: You are a terrible liar!
Me: "Why?"
Her: Look at the fucking mirror right now and look at yourself!
(I went to mirror)
Her: Noticed any difference from normal people?
Me: I don't know what you're talking about! I'm going to bed and rest. (but i saw that big bumps and so red color on my body haha)

She went to my bed and scolded/spanked the hell out of me..... -_-


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You are the reason why I got spanked!(not really haha)

It was one of the fun memory of my childhood!

My Addiction in Bicycle

I don't remember exactly what age I am when I learned how to use a bicycle. I was very young tho...

My father bought me a bicycle and taught myself how to drive it. I got addicted in bicycles. I learned different tricks and used it for travelling instead of riding a jeepney to go malls or school. I've got scars and bruises from using it too much.

Had several accidents, been blame by the mother of my friends for letting them ride on me to go see their boyfriends haha.

But the bicycle i got for many years brought tears on my eyes when my Mom decided to give it away to one of my cousin. My mom was very worried about me because I cared too much with that bike. I skipped my meal just to clean them over and over again tho i still give time on my studies.

I didn't want to surrender it to my cousin. I also got mad of my cousin and put the blame on her.
I didn't talk to her for a year too.

Yeah, i was very addicted of that thing.


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...sad stuff
God! I miss my boyfriend!(bike)

I wish I could get another one soon.

You've read 5. Here's one more....

I Have a Map (Birthmark)

My parents and siblings always makes fun of me because i have this looking like Asia map on my back.(my waist part)

They always say that i won't get lost and its a fact.

This birthmark saved me when I got lost at the age of 6. They told the Brgy. Hall and Police Station to find me and gave the details about me.(described me)

Luckily, they found me because of my birthmark.
I often got insecure about it. I never showed it to my friends because I was shy.


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I got more confident now because i could wear a crop top showing my birthmark. I realized that i have to embrace what i have and be grateful. No one is perfect right? We all have flaws.

And those are just a slice of the truth about me. I have many more and will write about it next time

Now, I nominate the sweet person i know and would love to hear more things about her. @beanz It's your turn! ^_^

ps. I enjoyed our singing session on VO.TU last night haha.




:) nice to know more about u. I like the bike (first bf) story best..

Ahahaha yeah.. I miss him :(

Oh you have perfect skin and allergic to alcohol, what a tragic life!!


I was anticipating some dark, dark secrets but you left me disappointed, turns out there's nothing wrong with you =P

Lolol i have more... You want to know??? Make a new challenge hahaha. Something like "dirty secrets exposure challenge" jk. =p

haha so you can make fun with others using that mark:
'' prove me how Asian are you?"
" i was born with the fucking map on my body :P"

Also what a contradiction! you are afraid of plains and never got into one while your siblings love them :P

Hahaha not making fun -_-
Im confident now haha. It was just because my family teased me so much...
Embrace that marks! =p

haha that's were the fun part gets, if they tease you again reply with ''i am more Asian than you :P '' and let the fun begins!

Hahaha yeah....

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Lol. That's nice!

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