Tips To Stay Motivated With Weight Loss!

in #fitness8 years ago

Motivation For Weight Loss

Setting A Goal:

Goals are a great way to keep on track and focused. you have to know where you want to go in order to get there. With weight loss you should make it a big goal, getting your ideal weight, but also make smaller goals to help keep you motivated along the way.

Buddy Up!:

If you surround yourself around people that have the same mind set and goals as yourself you will find it easier to say on track and keep motivated. Tell your family about wanting to lose weight. They will be your best weight loss motivation.


Rewards are also another way to keep motivated to complete your small goals that will aid to your big/final goal. Each time you complete a small goal reward yourself. But try to stay away with food rewards, try new workout clothes or equipment! 

Don't Feel Guilty:

Staying on track is difficult when the unexpected happens. So don't feel guilty if you had a greasy meal because you forgot to pack a healthy meal. Things happen. Just brush it off and get back on the train to success! But don't let these mistakes become a bad habit

Watch Out For Diet Traps:

Most people are looking for a way to shred the weight right off themselves in a couple of days. Even though this can be a great motivator, quick weight loss programs are generally not recommended. A slow weight loss is what most experts say is the best way to lose weight. You might ask yourself why. With a weight loss program that takes it slow and steady you are leaning to change as you go. So by the time you get to the maintenance portion of the program, you've already thrown out the bad habits and replaced them with the good habits.

Think Outside The Box!

  • Take a new fitness class! Changing the skills you work on. For example, learning a new Zumba move a week, take a kickboxing class, Hot yoga etc.
  • Train like a triathlete! Even if you never plan to enter a  triathlon. A new study published in Radiology has found that combination of swimming, cycling and running is the best for heart health.
  • Try mornings. Set a fit tone for your day by performing a light weight cardio warp up and just 15 minutes of body weight exercise in your bedroom before taking on the day.

Great "think outside the box" illustration!