The 5 Best Ways to Build Muscles
The Five Best Ways to Build Muscles
Lifting weights helps you stay lean, improves your bone and muscle strength, and boosts your metabolism. However, learning how to build muscle is easier said than done because there are many different ideas on the best way to build muscle. It’s easy to get confused and be unsure of where to start. If you’re looking to simplify the process, we’ve got your covered. Here are the five best ways to build muscles.
1. Focus on Increasing Strength
Many people, most often men, prefer to focus on bulking up and adding pounds. However, that goal can be frustrating. Instead, focus on increasing your strength. It’s a tangible goal that will serve you well in the long run. Keep track of your reps and weights and always try to lift heavier every session. This will help your body work more muscle fibers, which help you look better as well as make you stronger!
2. Eat Plenty of Protein
Your diet is just as important as your workout plan. Make sure you eat plenty of calories and that they are quality. Load up on meat, veggies, and healthy fats. However, focus mostly on increasing your protein intake. You must have protein to build muscle mass, otherwise your muscles will not recover. Make sure you are eating protein at every meal and snack. Focus on lean meats and use clean protein powders so you’ll only gain muscle and not fat.
3. Do Compound Movements
Compound moves are great for working your entire body. You can save time in the gym and gain some functional strength as well. Compound moves are also helpful if you tend to focus on only one group of muscles and neglect others. If you have a hard time doing leg day, doing compound moves will force you to work your legs while still getting a great upper body workout.
4. Work Your Muscles 2 -3 Times a Week
There are a lot of different theories on how many times you should work your muscles during the week. However, if you want to build your muscles quickly, then you should work them 2 – 3 times a week. This will fatigue the muscles, but not so much that they can’t recover and rebuild quickly. If you only have time to lift 2 – 3 times a week, then do a full body workout every time, so you can get plenty of rest and still work all the major muscles groups.
5. Get Plenty of Sleep
Recovering properly is key to building muscles. Remember, when you lift, you are actually tearing your muscles down. They can only repair themselves while you sleep. Otherwise, you will not build muscle or gain strength. In fact, sleep deprivation is linked to weight gain, especially belly fat. Aim for 7 – 9 hours of shut-eye a night.
There are plenty of ways to help you reach your goal of building muscle. Check out YouTube videos and look for apps on your phone to help. The new VAY app is a great tool because it will help you stay on track with the correct amount of repetitions so you won’t lose progress. It also features guided workouts that follow the above rules so you can build muscle efficiently. You don’t want to waste your time in the gym, so make every workout count!
Are you following any of those tips? Let us know!
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