March 4th - OAC & HSPU practice - challenge completed

10 minutes Indian club swinging
FTW squats
Commando rocking
12 pullups
20kg Kettlebell C&P 13R, 13L
Bodyweight @79kg Pullups + 16kg - 8 reps
24kg Kettlebell C&P - 8R, 8L
Bodyweight + 24kg Pullups -5 reps
HSPU on parallettes - 5 reps
Bodyweight + 32 kg pullups - 3 reps
HSPU on parallettes -3 reps
Pulley assisted One Arm Chinup (OAC)- 16kg assistance - 3R, 3L
HSPU on parallettes - 2 reps
Pulley assisted OAC- 8 kg assistance - 1R, 1L
HSPU on parallettes - 2 reps
Weighted Chinup + 60 kg - 1 rep
Kettlebell C&P 32kg 2R, 2L
Weighted Chinup + 68 kg - 1 rep
Kettlebell C&P 28kg 5R, 5L
Bodyweight + 28kg 5 reps
5 Minutes Indian club swinging
111 reps total
18km MTB ride
I did this fairly fast today, I had about 2 minutes rest between each exercise. The MTB rides are getting a lot easier and the aerobic fitness seems to be helping with recovery between sets. Hopefully I'll be able to get an unassisted OAC before long.
The Challenge is @steemmatt's 100 rep daily challenge
Matt's 100 rep challenge
Hi @khufu! Thanks for sharing - deserves more upvotes.
Thanks elena!