180 Kick
Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it.
The time will pass anyway.
Push Yourself!

Steemit: @janicehung
Instagram: @janicehungwushu
Youtube: Janice Hung
Facebook: JaniceHungTV
Chat with me on discord: https://discord.gg/XhEBP4p
Very well you are saying. Never stop dreaming and always push yourself for your goal. That photo is amazing... like a poster! Upvoted and followed for the philosophy! Love and hugs from Spain.
Holy flexibility! Are you a martial artist? Very neat :S
Yes, she is a 10-time gold medalist in wushu. She's amazing!
@janicehung you are a legend. I'm blown away. How long did it take you to do this? I'm super inspired ninja lady..
What a strong kick you've got there. I love the way you are approaching the life. Followed, upvoted by @motherearthist
What a kick
this is very impressive there is no doubt you are working very hard to be able to do it
Keep up
I know they are a matter of many practices. Lots of Hard Work Requirements Go ahead and see us as you try. thank you so much
Wow what a amazing kick. It's really wonderful kick. I appreciate you. Keep sharing. Wish you avery happy and bright future.
extraordinary words, deadly deadly kicks
Whenever I see your wushu pose, I am stunned. This 180 kick looks so amazing! You make it seem so easy too. Someday, I want to be able to do this too. Thanks for inspiring me to never give up!
He hey, nice photo..strong photo..
Great emotions. :)
Yes, yes..never give up.
Even if you are bound and fall, then rise up and you will be twice stronger.
Like in your photo @janicehung
If you need, then fight to yourself and NEVER, NEVER, NEVER GIVE UP...