Learn How To Raise Your Energy Levels Today With This Simple Tricks!

in #fitness7 years ago

What if you could wake full of energy and have plenty of energy the whole day?

If you are currently living with low amounts of energy, getting up tired, being tired in the afternoon after lunch... and you feel that you are not living your life to the fullest possibilities because of low energy levels, than this is the post for you.

We live in a time where we need to be active and when more and more is demanded of us. That is why knowing a few simple tricks can help us achieve our goals by enabling us to have enough energy the whole day. By following this simple tricks you will be able to handle your energy levels in a better way.

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Stretching is one of the best ways to raise your energy levels fast. It is the best energy booster and a perfect alternative to drinking coffee in the morning. Stretching takes the same time to perform as it takes to prepare and drink coffee. But the energy produced by stretching is of better quality, because it is nurturing to nervous system and to the body in general. People who perform stretching are healthier in general and have more energy than people who do not.

Stretching raises ones energy levels immediately after performing it and already during the exercise. If you do it for 5-10 minutes it should be sufficient enough for energy levels to last you for a few hours.

Learn to do stretching in 3 rounds of groups of exercises by repeating each stretching exercise in each round. The perfect way to perform stretching is by stretching 30% in the first round 60 % in the second round and 80-100 % in the 3 round. Learn to be gentle with your body because if you are not you may damage the tissue, muscles and the rest of the body. Knowing which part of the body you are stretching and sensing how it stretches is essential for healthy and correct stretching.

Lower your stress levels

Try to live with the smallest amounts of stress possible. A few moments of strong stress can leave a person depleted of energy for the whole day. But if the stress is strong enough it can even leave him depleted of energy for a few days. Learn how to handle your stress. Everybody can resist the stress that happens in him, we have this ability in us and we should take advantage of it.

We can take greater control of stress levels in our bodies. Don´t try to diminish anger and stress because the society said so, but because of the care and love for yourself. Yes there will be problems every day, but the way we handle them in regards to stress depends on each one of us. Learn how to observe your stress and diminish it. Stay positive even if all the conditions around you want you to act negative.

With stress we in most cases have a choice and we must show our dendencies which want to get us stressful that we are the master of our body and mind. Do your best not to worry, fear and feel anxiety. Prove to yourself that you are the master of your emotions, body and mind.

Energy food

Another way to raise your energy quickly is with certain foods that can be quickly ingested as a snack. Energy from this types of food also lasts for a few hours and is a great way to sustain high levels of energy. Have a small handful of any of the foods listed below when your energy levels drop and observe what effect they produce on your energy levels.

Dry fruitsdry apricots, dry figs, raisins, dry cranberries, dates, prunes, dry goji berries
Nutsalmonds, cashew, walnuts, brazil nuts
Seedspumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds

Eat 5 or 6 smaller meals a day

When it comes down to your energy levels eating 5 or 6 smaller meals instead of 2 or 3 large meals in a day is preferred. If the body has to digest large meal you end up with lower energy levels since the body is heavily burdened with digestion. As a consequence one feels more tired because of this. Eating smaller meals is also preferred from nutritional point of view because you ingest larger variety of vitamins and minerals. By ingesting more vitamins and minerals your energy levels also grow.

Body scrubbing

Body scrubbing can be done with spongies, himalayan or regular salt or a rough towel. Removing the sweat and dead skin from the pores is essential for the skin to be able to breath and with that energy levels also raise to some extent. The body has thousands and thousands of pores. Washing our bodies with hands only, creates a problem of leaving old sweat and dead skin in the small pores of the body. With body scrubbing this sweat and dead skin are removed and skin is revitalized.

This is especially important during the hot summer days when we sweat more or when one falls sick with fewer and sweats a lot in the bed. The sweat that gathers in the pores is not good for the body because the body removes toxins and impurities through the pores.

Body scrubbing should be performed 2 to 3 times per week or at least once a week. People who are involved in sports, people that sweat a lot or people who have fallen sick with fewer should definitely perform body scrubbing a few times per week.


When our energy levels drop from siting behind computer hanging out on Steemit to much or sitting 8 hours at work it is a matter of slower blood circulation. If you want to raise your energy levels at such moments do some exercise. It might be enough to only to take a 5 minute walk for the blood to start circulating faster again and you will get your energy back. In general the more you move and exercise the more energy you will have, that is if you do not overdo it. Take a walk around your block, or if you have the will to run than run. You can also do some squats, push ups...

Drinking enough water

Drinking enough water is crucial for keeping high level of energy. If your body is dehydrated your energy levels will drop without a doubt. To make sure you are well hydrated try to have a glass of water the first thing you do in the morning.

Water is the cleaner of the body, it cleans impurities from the body. Drinking warm water in the morning helps to revitalize the body and gives it energy. Human body sometimes needs warm water, sometimes cool water but very seldom cold water. Listening to the body is an art. How much water and when one should drink, one can only know himself. Right amount can lift energy levels and the mood one is in, but a glass of water too much can quickly bring unpleasant sensations in the abdomen and lose of energy.

Sensing bodies needs for liquid is the key to getting the right amount of fluids the body needs. Observation is an experiment which has to be conducted every day. Maybe one day one needs two liters of water, the other day one needs three liters of water. It varies each day, depending on the activities on has during the day.

Drinking 2 to 3 liters of water per day is the basis of healthy diet and energetic life. We have to drink water when we are not thirsty, for when we feel thirst the body is already dehydrated and this results in loss of energy. The body needs a right amount of water for its normal functioning, for cooling down and staying healthy.

Human body has a temperature of 37 degrees celsius. So drinking cold water is a shock to it. One should observe if drinking cold water produces any negative sensations in the abdomen area and pay attention what sensations produces the drinking of lukewarm water.

In many parts of the world the water is free, do not starve your body of it and loose energy and well being because of this.

Vitamin and mineral drinks

Vitamin and mineral drinks are a welcomed water substitutes. To gain a greater intake of vitamins and minerals have yourself a drink that is filled with vitamins such as smoothie or tea. This kind of drinks go well between meals.

One must just make sure to do this when he feels that the last meal he had has digested to a good extent and the meal that is coming afterwards will not be for half an hour. They are also good substitute for water for those who do not particularly like to drink a water.

Alive and dead food

Canned food, boxed food, food that has been frozen or in any other way stored for a long time may still have carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals, but it can never nourish ones body the way freshly picked food can. One should find a balance between how much fresh and stored food he ingests.

One should respect a simple rule, more fresh the food the better it is for the body and the more life energy it has. The sooner the food is eaten after it has been picked and separated from its life source the more life energy it will retain. And the more of this energy we eat the better it is for us. Fresh food nurtures ones body and mind the way no other food can. It helps with hormonal balance and good hormonal balance means good mood and less stress.


As they say, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is also a key element if you want to raise your energy levels. If you do not eat the first 2 to 3 hours after you get up from the bed your energy levels will drop significantly. Try to make sure that you prepare yourself a breakfast full of vitamins minerals and other nutrients the first hour after you get up from bed.

Eating before going to sleep

The main function of sleep is to regenerate the body and raise it´s energy levels. If the body has to digest food during sleep it is less effective in regeneration and gathering the energy for the next day.

By eating before going to sleep one wakes up with less energy and probably not in as good mood as he would be if he would have eaten an hour or two before going to sleep.

Eating food before going to sleep, especially if the carbohydrates and animal proteins are combined in the same meal is therefore not advised from energy point of view.

It is best that last meal is eaten at least an hour before going to sleep. This will make sure that the meal one has eaten has digested to some extent. To what extent it will digest will depend on what combination of foods one has ingested. This will give the body the chance to regenerate during the night, and make sure one wakes up with plenty of energy ready for a new day

Waking up well rested with plenty of energy will also do much good for ones good looks. If one decides to eat before sleep, it is best that this meal is small in quantity.


Give this tips and tricks a try and let me know in the comments how they work. I deliver new articles and recipes on a daily basis so be sure to check them out.

The image is not mine, but I paid for the rights to use it on the web.

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